Tuesday, December 31, 2013

hot digity dog its NYE!

So I have been trying to figure out what in the heck to write about besides the fact that I can no longer fit into a booth at Waffle House and my stomach now doubles as a yolk catcher during the times I wolf down All-star breakfasts. I feel like I am carrying around a 50 lb. bag of cement with arms. I went to the doc today and I am not even close to being ready to roll and I will be 40 weeks in 3 days. The good news is that doc won’t let me go past 41 weeks, so there is a light at the end of the birth canal.

I’m reflecting on this past year and the giant curve balls I threw myself.  I just read the post from a year ago today. “Let’s end the year Wright” That was a year ago? EEEEWWW and YUCK! The post mentioned that I found the guy who has everything I’ve been looking for. WHAT in the HELL was I smoking??I look back and it kind of grosses me out to be honest. I know he was a nice guy but all I can think about was his disgusting antics and how desperate I must have been to sit around a year ago today with Brandy and plan our wedding. So to correct myself, he was not the person who had everything I was looking for, actually I have that guy now and there is quite a big difference.

I read the post on New Year’s Day last year; it’s pretty funny. I said “I have big plans for this year.”  Boy was that the understatement of the year. I went from dreaming of a country wedding, to meeting Wood, to becoming pregnant, to getting a new job, to moving to the burbs, to getting fired, to becoming a very large and lame homemaker…. next stop….Mommy town!  CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA  I THINK I CAN I THINK I CAN!

 My NYE plans this year include trying out the old lady next door’s hot dog toaster that she got for Christmas. I’m serious, Wood is on his way home and this is our plan, hopefully things won’t get too out of hand.

Well Happy New Year to you and yours!!




Thursday, December 12, 2013

strong shoulders carry big weights

They say that God will never give you more than you can handle, well God must think that I'm a bad ass!!

I am facing yet another minor obstacle, they denied my unemployment. I am not at liberty to discuss the reasons why at this time but I will point out the fact that my income, as of right now, is null and void. This would be the moment that I would normally drag my butt out on the pavement and start handing out resumes to pretty much anyone. But the fact I am a Wheedle Wobble and my strongest skill right now is trying not to tip over, I just don't know if there is a market for that right now. The percentage of people hiring folks that will be absent the first 6-8 weeks due to life giving obligations is probably low. So long story short I will be eating some berries off of the holly bush for breakfast and hit the samples at the food court in the mall for lunch. Merry Christmas!

All will be fine, because it has to be fine, I am an eternal broke ass with a positive attitude. Everyone around me (Quarter and Whitey) are very supportive, and everyone not around me cause they have jobs are being very supportive as well so that helps. I find myself in a familiar and very unfamiliar situation at the same time, this should be interesting. If I don't blog for a few weeks after this it means they have turned off my cable and internet and I am busy counting my teeth with my tongue. Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 6, 2013


I am so bored!!!!!!!! Its nasty and raining and cold and I have nothing to do but sit here and wait to give birth. I now hate the TV and I don't have a good book to read. Today marks the 36th week I have been knocked up and they say I could go at any minute. So now I think every step I take, every move I make a baby may fall out. I find myself really concerned about the signs of labor. How will I know? When will I know? Will I freak out? I've been taking a survey from some of my friends on how they knew when they were in labor and everyone is different! No help at all, some say you'll just know, well I am hoping that is the case. I'll probably blame it on gas and go about my day.

I had a great Thanksgiving weekend last weekend, had more than I could handle going on, this weekend I got nothing and I may go crazy. Over the course of the weekend we had 6 obligations, including Marybeth's Aunt house. It was so gooooood to see you girl! Its been a while since I have seen a familiar face up in these parts. I got to sit around with MB and her sister (who has two babies) and got all new advise. Finally one of my ATL friends met Wood! Finally!

I got a present from Janeen the other day and she was cracking me up! I got cute clothes for Jesse, some lipstick for me and a card for Will. WHAT?! She addressed the card to Steph and Will. Correct first letter, wrong rest of the letters! Way way wrong! We don't want his first words to be goober, yuck. We've all made that mistake, hell I've called him Will but played it off by finishing the sentence with Hey Will.........you get me a glass of water? ! But it was pretty funny girl, thank you!