Friday, September 2, 2011

day 45

So I am sitting at my friend Aimee's house, I am watching her 2 dogs and 2 cats for the weekend. I am completely bored. I just got off of a conference call with Patti and Christine, we talk every week on speaker phone and act like I am there with them. Its so nice, but I do miss the live and in person chats, so I am gonna come down there in two weeks for a girls night out.

These dogs are named Sadie and Gracie, I don't know which is which, so I just call them Sadiegracie and hope they answer. I call the cats Grey cat and Brown cat. I don't think they care.

Earlier today I was getting Brandy's kids ready for school, it went like this:

Hey kids, pick out what you want to wear from this pile...
Jacob picked out an outfit and I asked him 3 times if he was sure it matched he said "it matches! why can't you see that?!"

ok sorry.

Jacob then asked me to tape his fingers together cause they hurt in football practice the night before, so I taped them with what I hope was not packing tape. Then I bent over to tie his shoes:

jacob: what are you doing?
me: tying your shoes
jacob: why?
me: cause I know how, why, do you know how?
jacob: why would I not know how to tie my shoes? I am almost nine!!
me: ok sorry

geez louise...tough crowd :)

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