Ok so Brandy let a little mouse in the house by leaving the door to the sun room open all night. (sorry girl, throwing you under the bus) And now we have this little guy flying through the house at mock speed. Brandy and I think he must be training for the mouse Olympics or something, because we have both seen him 2-3 times and he is always hauling ass! I get that he is running for his life and knows he is not wanted, but man this guy can fly! He likes chillin under the stove until we settle into the living room at night and the he makes a break for it down the hallway at around 80MPH. Brandy doesn't want to kill it, she is all humane and stuff, we tried leaving the door open and hoped it would take a hint, but nope, saw him last night. Brandy won't let me name it, she doesn't want to create any sort of relationship. So we got some mouse traps from Wal-Mart, I told her that unless she wants the mouse makin babies behind her
her walls, she will have to send put the little guy to death row. The traps are dangerous! They will take your finger and break it in two if you are not careful. The first pack that was purchased was a big fat fail because we are amateurs and wasted the traps on learning how to use them. We end up with one left, so we laid that out the night before last and that didn't work. On to plan B: sticky traps. This is where the mouse gets stuck on a piece of plastic and can’t go anywhere until someone removes it from the house. Well Brandy and I were not at all excited about this because she heard that mice will chew off their own legs in order to escape. Um yea, not excited about seeing an amputee mouse dragging itself across the floor and finding little chewed up mouse legs stuck to some plastic.
But we decided to give it a whirl, Brandy set one in the living room (where I sleep) so I spent the entire night checking to see if a mouse was stuck (I basically listened to every noise in the house and assumed all of them was a mouse being held against its will), so needless to say, I didn't sleep. The first time I spotted this guy, I screamed and scared Brandy to death, and she warned me not to do that again since her blood pressure spiked, her heart rate accelerated and it stayed like that for the next 20 minutes. I have been working on my knee jerk reactions upon seeing a mouse in the house. I got a thumbs up from Brandy last night when I calmly said, the mouse just ran down the hall.
Ok well I think you get the point, enough mouse chit chat....hopefully the little guy will take a sleigh ride into mouse heaven while I am gone :)
Now I am Aimees house, I just got a call from a Nurse that my drug test that I took for my new job tested positive for Codeine. Awesome, so now I get to go into work tomorrow with the intent of explaining to my boss the reasons of why I Codeine in my blood. I think it was Brandy's son’s prescription cough medicine, but to be perfectly honest who knows what’s floating around in my blood stream, I am an insomniac and take whatever I can get my hands on to get myself to sleep. It’s usually Nyquil, Tylenol PM, Advil PM, Sominex, Excedrin PM, etc...and I just wiped out an entire box of Mucinex of ever past three weeks, due to my cough, so who knows, I just hope I don’t lose my job tomorrow.
They say everything happens in 3's, so I guess was my 3rd.
1.Saturday flat tire 2. Sunday computer crash 3. Monday drug test compromised.
I am not going to freak out, I am going to plead my case and see what happens, some prayers and good thoughts are welcomed.
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