Tuesday, February 21, 2012

day 175 slow controlled movements

Ouchy! I may want to rethink my song selection in the shower, no more remixes of Rockin Robin, flappin my arms tweet tweet tweet is a good way to lose an elbow against the hard tile walls.

 Great work out tonight! I have a new routine; do 1-2 loads of laundry a night, the gym is next to the laundry room, so I am forced to stay down there during the 30 minutes spin cycle and 45 minute drying period. It worked out cause by Bro put me on a new regimen. 30 min elliptical/bike and 7 sets of 7 reps of each leg exercise (sloooow controlled movements of course) with a 1-2 minute rest time between each set, and that is almost exactly how long it takes to do the laundry, win win!

 I took a break at work today to try and win some J. Aldean tickets. Brandy told me when to call in to the radio station. So I had my cell phone plugged in to an ear piece in one ear and my desk phone head set in the other ear while listening to the radio on the speakers. It takes some coordination, listening to busy signals and pressing redial in both ears. Brandy was at her house doing the same thing. We didn't win, wah wah wah. There is still a chance my cabinet guy will pull through.

 Ok that’s all for now, I gotta watch The Good Wife (my fav).

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