Saturday, March 31, 2012

day 201, includes part 2 of day 2hundy

Where to begin where to begin, I have been on a 2-day hiatus and have a lot to say so buckle up!

I guess we can start off with the text that was waiting for me when I woke up this morning. I haven’t heard from Skeelo since I ignored his ballad he wrote and recorded for me, so I guess Jeremiah decided he needed some closure. I am cracking up right, one might say I am LOLing; he wanted to tell that he has moved on and is dating someone else, but wants me to know that I can call him anytime and he wishes it could have been different. I am like picturing him singing "Coulda Been" by Tiffany...."the flowers you gave me are just about to die, but I guess this song is over as we began to cry"  Well I guess that’s a wrap, I finally set that little tug boat free and we can all go on with our lives.

Next, I didn't have a "part two" of day 2hundy cause I went out with Red Flag again right after work Thursday! We had another fun time! We did exactly the same thing we did on Wednesday; it was like the movie Ground Hog Day. We walked up and down Broadway and enjoyed the weather and the music and had lots and lots of laughs. The first date I had to pick pocket his passport to figure out his name the damn thing said Christopher Lee, ah crap; does he go by Chris, Christopher or Lee? So I wait and see and he finally introduced himself as Chris to this musician we were talking to, whew, bullet dodged! We have SO much in common, it’s kinda scary. He has been married for the past 6 years (well we don’t have that in common) and just got divorced so he is experiencing Nashville as a single guy and I am still the new girl on the block so we are walking around like tourists and it was so fun! We talked for like 20 minutes on the phone last night but he has his kids this weekend. I am still heeding Brandy’s warning to keep the "divorce crazies" at arm’s length and take it slow, and that’s what I am doing. He loves to hike like me so I am gonna insist that be our next adventure.

Ok I have decided that Marketing guy, Robert, is going to be a temporary permanent fixture in the blog and I am gonna label it “Marketing dude side note”, there is just too much material, I have to share.

Marketing dude side note: His latest antic, he locked his keys in his one of the company cars and had to call in for back up.

I was the winner winner chicken dinner on the workout challenge and Ryan took me out for pizza at Pie in the Sky yesterday, it was AMAZING! I haven’t had pizza in ages (being a purist and all) so it was such a treat! We begin the next challenge on Sunday! I can’t wait to win again!

Today is gonna be great, I have a date with my DVR; between dancing and dating I have neglected my shows!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

day 200! part 1

Its day 200! Wow! Good thing I have good news! Day 200 is gonna be a two-parter cause I gotta go to work...

Red Flag and I had the best date of 2012 last night! He drives a truck, he likes country, he takes my smartass comments and throws them straight back in my face, his career revolves around sleeping disorders AND he lost his wallet the night we met! The stars have aligned!

Ok that’s all the time I have.....more details later...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

day 199 what yo name is ?

Well I proved my own theory...just got back from a group lesson and one of the girls was the teacher this time. Jason was nowhere in sight and I rocked that Fox Trot! I knew his cuteness was holding me back!
Ok so our Marketing dude at my work is a hard one to figure out. This young ginger has been here for a month and a has developed quite a track record. Since he doesn’t do marketing for the demolition derby, it’s all very suspicious. Four vehicular mishaps have occurred with over the course of a month

Number 1: We have a gated parking lot, he tried to outrun the gate before it closed, didn't make it, popped 2 tires, dented his car, and broke the gate.

Number 2:  Had a blow out in a company car on the highway and had to get a tow truck to come get him.

Number 3: Shortly after he got his car fixed from the gate debacle, he smashed into a stopped car while driving down the road and the newly repaired car is now totaled.

Number 4:  He is now in a rental truck. Comes to the office with this gorgeous truck all jacked up on the side, not sure what happened there. I am guessing a wall got in his way.

I have seen him sleeping at this desk while sitting up at least 4 times. Its not like the lights are turned down low and no one is there. Its daytime, people are talking and walking around and he is out like a light with his mouth wide open.

I am calling it… narcoleptic! That would explain the sleeping while sitting up and maybe he is falling asleep while driving. He just go a new car yesterday, we have and office pool going on how long it takes to run into something.

I have a date tomorrow, the guy that I met on Saturday. I really wish I knew his name. My listening skills are still a work in progress and I wasn't paying attention during the name exchange. After dancing and talking all night, it was awkward to ask him his name, so I guess I will just wing it. I may have to recruit the waitress as my wingman to help me out with this one. Brandy is calling “red flag” on this guy because he is newly divorced.  I will keep my guard up girl and I will duck if I see the “divorce crazy” flag coming for my face. I have him in my phone as “LOL” as he is an inappropriate LOLer over text.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

day 198 tootles Mom and Dad!

I finally met one of my neighbors, um, he's a rodeo clown. Only in Nashville do you have a dude that puts on clown make-up and has multi-colored bandanas hanging out of his britches as your neighbor. AND this is the same "street performer" that Marybeth got her picture with at Tootsies when she was in town, hysterical. I am not sure how this guy makes his loot, I have seen him downtown a couple of times and he seems to just be hanging out and drinking. He may just love this outfit and this is what he wears for a night on the town. All I know is that he has a trailer that’s parked in the parking lot that says "YEEEEEEHAW GITTY UP LIL DOGGIE" spray painted on the side and he lives next door.

SO Moms left, the family ended up not coming up, plans got cancelled, so I just met my Dad in Pelham and dropped off my Mom. It was such a delight having her here. She seriously is one of the strongest people I know, being around her and seeing what she has to endure every day is unbelievable, the chemo just kicks her ass, but you'd never know it by looking at the smile on her face. She is amazing and I don't think many people could do what she does on a regular basis just to make it through the day. I love you Mom, thanks for stopping by :)

After she left on Saturday, I fully intended on camping out on the couch for the next two days, this is until I was kidnapped by Kelly and Gary. They literally came over and took me out against my will. But I can't complain, we had a blast watching some March Madness at our favorite watering hole followed up by some long overdue Karaoke. I swear, Kelly and I command that place when they put mics in our hands. We are not scared to get all gangsta gangsta and give the people what they want, 2 white girls acting all hard like we’re in a rap video. If our performance was being taped and if I ever caught a glimpse of this video, I think my karaoke days would be over, retire on a low note and quit while I’m behind. But it couldn’t have been all that bad, cause I totally got a boys phone number out of it. I don’t want to jinx it but I am pretty sure we are getting married….after his divorce if final of course J

Thursday, March 22, 2012

198.... I could just spit

I was gonna talk about my marketing guy, because he is worth a paragraph or two, but right now I am too mad!

I just had the biggest rude awakening. For those of you who are not aware, I am extremely self-conscience of my weight, I am borderline obsessed. Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I do is life up my shirt to see the status of my tummy. I swear it is different every day, my weight changes with the wind, so I always have to check to see just how windy the day is going to be. I have been bragging about my new found healthy life style, how I am totally 100% healthy everyday but Saturday. Saturday I can do whatever the hell I want to myself. I am finally doing everything as I should, eating and working out wise. BUT for some reason my weight doesn’t seem to be all that different, 5-7 lbs. maybe, but like I said, I don’t own a scale, I just go by my clothes from last year and these jeans that used to fall off of me are still quite snug. I am mad because I have been working so hard to shape my body and the results are less than satisfactory, I am going in the right direction, but not where I should be.

Then it hit me, I got extremely angry and threw a tantrum right in front of my mom (who by the way laughing hysterically).  This lady at the front desk has a freakin M&M dispenser, the kind that you are supposed to put a quarter in and a few come out. Well this one is free and it only gives you like 4 M&Ms at a time. Ok no harm no foul. BUT I just realized that I have been unconsciously hitting this thing up all day every day for the past 2 months!!! Like I have no idea how many M&Ms I am ingesting a day, because I don’t even notice that I am doing it. I walk by her desk and I am on auto-pilot, I honestly cannot remember a day that I didn’t have M&M’s, oh wait yes I do, Saturday, my cheat day!

Geez, if I ventured a guess, I would say I am eating at least a bag of M&Ms every single freaking day and I am just now realizing it as I am lifting my shirt up in the mirror.

Well that stops now “Operation detox M&M style” begins tomorrow, who knows how bad the tremors  and the hot flashes are gonna be…geez why am I always quitting something? I am such a quitter!

Ok since I ranted for 20 pages about M&Ms, I guess tomorrow will be the day when I explain my marketing guy’s baffling behavior….

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

day 197 oh to be 14 again

I really really can't wait until I am no longer a dancing train wreck. I showed serious signs of being mentally handicapped tonight. I have got to get it together or Jason is going to kill me. I did a group thing tonight and then a party, basically 1 hour and 45 minutes of non-stop dancing. I have now been told twice now to have a drink before I come to class. Seriously? Never in my life has someone recommend that I have a drink, usually it’s the other way around. Ok, “Operation Get the Steel Rod out of my Back” is underway. Loosen up is the name of the game.
I just read an essay my mom wrote when I was 14. She brought it up here to show me and also has one about my brother. My brother’s was really funny, that 11 year-old had some hilarious one-liners. Mine, was the opposite of funny, it was about the 6-8 weeks that my life was put on pause, so I could enjoys the benefits of a severe case of Mononucleosis. Telling a wiry, wound up, energized future gypsy that she has to be home-schooled, forgo a spot on the All-star softball team, quit ballet, and quit jazz classes, sucks! I also missed my 8th grade  dance and a chance to slow dance with Johanthan Sullivan, the only 8th grader who was old enough to drive. Thanks mom, so glad we documented that! She told me how she wanted me to see an example of how I beat all odds of the side effects that I had looming from the sickness, how I persevered as a teenager and how I was still doing it today. I appreciate the sentiment Mom, but geez Louise that was not fun, not fun at all. Please tell me you don’t have any essays about my dog dying so I can see an example of the circle of life. J

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

day 196 they say that the rhythm is gonna get you.....bring it!

My Mom and I are having a great time! I got home after work yesterday and dinner was made, got up this morning, eggs and toast are ready and waiting! I could get used to this!

Went on my date/lesson tonight, Mom watching was a little odd, but fun, she was loving it and everyone was so nice to her. The odd part was me trying to not look all googly eyed! I need an ugly partner I’ve decided, this Cutie Pahtooty is holding me back! Where did all of my rhythm go?! Maybe I left it in the bottom of a wine glass somewhere, this dance stuff is hard! But in my defense, I haven’t practiced at all. Guess I gotta do what I gotta do to pick up momentum on the learning curve, pronto. I want to glide across floor, not dance like Frankenstein in a strait jacket, we spend more time pausing so he can unclench me by making some space between my shoulders and my head, then we do dancing. I can't help it, he makes me nervous and instead of listening to what he is saying, I make jokes. I am all in my head and he is accusing me of thinking too much....there is a first time for everything. I am thinking way too much, I am thinking out how cute our kids would be :)

Ok, I have to go to bed, working out before work, working all day and then working the dance floor after work is a whole lotta work...

Monday, March 19, 2012

day 195 precious cargo

Mi Madre es visiting. She is a freakin sweet as pie, crack up hoot of a her! I went and picked her up in Chattanooga, my dad brought her to the half-way point. (I was late because Chattanooga is apparently Eastern Standard Time and I have trouble figuring out different time zones when they are in the same state) When I first moved here I was an hour late to everything, so it takes some getting used too. It still trips me out that people don't use area codes here. I come from the land of 3 area codes.. I always say 615 when someone asks over the phone at work, then I wait for them to write it down before I give them the rest of the number…

 So ok back to my lunch with mi Madre and mi Padre, so good to see both of them, had some ribs, a quick visit and the Mom and I were off (AKA, the blind leading the blind) we were immediately lost trying to get back to 24E. I swear my GPS hates me and is trying to get back at me for forcing it to say "turn around" so many times. But we got back on track after I called my Dad, I had my GPS in one hand (cause it broke off the windshield) my phone in my other hand, driving with my knee, flying down the highway and not thinking one thing about it until my mom yells out "Stephanie Kay Baswell, you have 4 things in your hands, none of which is the steering wheel!" Ha, good point actually, duly noted, she is right, if you aren't gonna drive 10 and 2, at least throw a pinky on the wheel, especially when you have precious cargo.

Oh Jason called, he wanted to see me, so I immediately book a date, I mean a lesson. He missed me last week; he asked where I had been. I didn't want to tell him I was going through detox, so I just said I was busy. Mom will be going with me tomorrow night, it will be a first, I don't think I have ever had a chaperone on a date...

I must go to bed, I will save my Baby Got Back karaoke story for tomorrow. Actually, I don’t think that there is any explanation needed….I think everyone knows how that song and dance (pun intended) went.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

day 194 We have another one....

Just when I think I've heard it all, I get serenaded via text. What?!
I am like so embarrassed for myself, I wake up to yet another text from Shorty and homeboy has recorded himself on his piano and is singing to me! STOP it!!!!! The words are "Why you gotta be like that? Why why why you gotta be like that?"

Whatever happen to the good ol days when people took hints? If I wanted to talk to you, I wouldn’t  ignore you little dude. Am I gonna have to find a tambourine or something and record a song for him? Will that get my point across?

I am pretty sure he just surpassed stage 5 and got promoted to stage 6 clinger. If anyone would like to hear the desperation, send me a text and I be gladly to forward it to you. I warn you, its uncomfortable, you will put your hand over your eyes and cringe.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 193 Ding Dong the Insomniac's Gone!

I can't even explain this victory! I am gonna need a parade for this one, I have been held prisoner for the past decade by sleeping meds and now I am free!!! Drug free at last, drug free at last, thank God all mighty, I am free at last! I slept all the way through the night the past 2 nights (I did wake up for like 5 minutes, just to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming…and I was!!!)

Ok I have to go… I have one million things to do today; including some St. Patty's day/ March Madness fun downtown....I gotta go dig out my Lucky Shirt... (I don't have a scale, so trying on last year’s clothes is how I weigh myself) it better fit damnit!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

day 192

I have nothing to talk about…just random thoughts… I slept pretty well, not great, but happy with the progress, I am beating my boss in the workout challenge, all of my clothes are on my floor and that is where they’re going to stay, every day you should be happy, feel great and not be miserable. Tomorrow, I am going to try and wheel and deal some odds and ends for my apartment. We have a crap load of non-salvageable, but perfectly good furniture in the warehouse that people are not going to claim because their insurance money bought them new stuff. I have decided it’s time to see what my boss thinks about me “making an offer” on a couple of pieces and see what I can get away with. I have my eye on 2 foot stools and it would be nice to upgrade my bedroom suit from random make-shift storage devices from my college dorm to actual furniture.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

day 192 "Operation change my area code to 615"

Well Idol is kind of a snooze fest, so I will just stay with that theme and describe lasts night’s snooze fest gone wrong. I failed at the play-by-play, so I will just give the recap.

I couldn't get up the energy to open my laptop, so I just wrote down the times on my “nightstand” (the plastic that holds my undies). I went to sleep at 1135pm, woke up at 334am and read my murder mystery until the mystery started to unravel and of course started freaking me out. This book is was not something I should read in the middle of the night cause then I started envisioning the people upstairs appearing in the mirror. I had to ditch the book, get up and watch Friends to get the scary parts out of my head. I didn't get back to sleep until 455am and woke up an hour later in time to work out.

I am calling the first night of “Operation drugless nights”  a good start considering I wake up regardless if I am doped up or not. I feel good about my 2nd night of detox; I am mentally prepared to sleep all natural because the results are very similar, drugs or no drugs. It sucks, but it’s something I will have to live with. My mom is coming up this weekend (yay!!!) and she is bringing me all kinds of teas and herbs to help me, she gave this insomnia gene to me so it’s the least she can do :)

My dad is bringing her up to Chattanooga on Sunday and I am meeting them there to collect my Mommy for a week. I am super excited and then the rest of the Fam joins next weekend.

Ok let’s talk about the little guy who has lost his damn mind. I am not sure what kind of “freaked-out-parallel-universe Cupid” banged this little musician over the head, but this munchkin is off to see the Wizard and he is trying to take me with him!!!

Instead of giving everyone the ICKS and reciting every text that I have gotten since Saturday, I will instead, extract one line from each text and type up a little montage if you will…… cue the music, Careless Whisper should do….

“Sweet dreams to you. I miss your face. When are you free next love? I miss you. I think about constantly. I hope you are having sweet dreams. I want to see you again. Just want to see you again. I am drunk and missing somebody. I wish I was with you. I am rehearsing, please come and let me introduce you to everyone. I just want to see you lady. I miss you lady. Love, Jeremiah.”

Did I mention that was over the last 4 days and that was after one night of hanging out with me, Kelly and friends?  I mean sure we had some laughs, but for real? You're killing me Smalls…. he is like picturing me standing at the altar and I am picturing him in my rear view mirror.........there will be no stack of phone books when I one day get to the altar!

I wonder if he misses me? I guess I will never know.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

day 191 rock a bye baby

Ok, I am addicted to sleeping meds, I am aware and I don't care. I would rather be addicted to something and sleep, than not sleep. No sleep SUX! I take something every night, no matter what and that is sad. Tonight I am attempting to not take anything (for the first time in years) I am ready to take on insomnia! When I don't have anything to take...anxiety takes over, even if I have had some wine. So I am using my blog to hold me accountable in my mission to stop taking sleeping drugs. I will say, I had one glass of wine about 2 hours ago to calm my nerves in order to start my mission (that will not be a regular occurrence) and I am now on my 2nd mug of sleepy-time tea. I worked out this morning, so I am not all amped up. Tonight, I am going to blog the second I go to sleep and every time I wake up (ooohhh this should be one heck of a nail biting event). I am going to read a book in the interim, if I stay true to form, I will have enough time to read War and Peace twice by morning. Fingers crossed everyone, please try and stay on the edge of your seats…

 If you last through the night, I promise to read you the love letter that I received from Jeremiah via text….another nail biter...I mean nail scratcher….on chalkboards…

Monday, March 12, 2012

day 190 late, skate and donate....right Pops?

I am watching the Bachelorette....I can't wait until the same exact conversation between Ben and every girl is over! Ground Hog Day for real....just tell me who wins already!

 I don't know who I think I am when I get behind the wheel sometimes, I have learned that I have road rage remorse, when I get angry at someone I always feel bad afterwards. It usually means I am running late and that is my problem, not the poor guy who has no idea that there is a fast lane. Also, the next time I try and go around lowered gates, flashing red lights that indicate you must not proceed over the train tracks until the red lights stop flashing, especially if there is a cop on the other side of the tracks. The train was going so freaking slow, I decided that I could out run it, but then I saw the cop and while I am on top of tracks and a train is headed for me, I throw it in reverse and go back to my spot in line. The train took like ten minutes to pass and I was fully prepared to get pulled over, but the cop just passed me slowly and shook his finger at me in a tisk tisk fashion and I went on my way. Ok I learned my lesson, if I leave late, I will be late and from now on, I will always look for a cop before I break the law. That was a close one…like literally.

 My boss and I have worked out a little friendly wager on a workout challenge. We have a point system to see who works out the most by the end of the month....the winner gets pizza...I am gonna crush him.

Ok time to see who wins the gayest show ever.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

day 189 Toooooooo short

I have made a decision. No more Too Shorts on my dating roster. If I have to move my driver seat way back, way way back after my man drives my car I have to choice but to put him back on the bench cause its no no NO! I was willing to overlook the bling on the top grill in the name of fun, BUT needing a booster seat to look over the steering wheel is a deal breaker.  

I worked all weekend, I am exhausted. It sucked! I volunteered to start cleaning contents on the Servpro side. If someone has a fire we remove all of the contents from the home, clean each item and put it in a room to Ozone it to get the smoke smell off of everything. So I spent my weekend, unpacking boxes, washing everything from toys to dishes to lamp shades and re packing it. I unpacked and repacked 48 boxes in two days. It was not fun, but it’s some extra pocket money for my dance classes, so it’s nice to have that 2nd job opportunity when I need it.

Kelly invited me over for dinner on her deck on Saturday. Her roommate, Gary, was cooking up a feast for us and we welcomed a new couple from Philly to Nashville that Gary met at a concert. They were such a fun couple and we had so much fun on a nice night eating clams and steak on the deck.  This is where Too Short comes in the picture. Jeremiah lives right down the street and our new friend plays the drums and I told them about Jeremiah. They talked me into calling him and having him join us. In the spirit of "the more the merrier" I complied. Later that evening Jeremiah took my car to the gas station since my car was blocking everyone. Then I got in my car and the reality of the difference in our heights was too much. I need to get in my car and move the seat up after my man drives it, not the other way around. We will just be friends. Now Kelly, our new Philly friends and Gary are all joining me Wednesday for “bring a friend day” to dance class, I am excited, should be a good time.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

day 188

Dear Lord thank you for keeping me safe and not letting anyone come into my room while I was sleeping and cut me up into 1000 pieces and thanks for letting me keep my car. I promise I won't leave my keys in the front door of my apartment over night anymore. Please try and keep me from being such a bonehead.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

day 187 hair brained

Big shout out to my good friend Nena for scoring her a big girl job...go girl I am so proud of you! Welcome to corporate America, it’s a blast :)
I would also like to give a shout out to myself for not texting and driving last night! Otherwise I might have run over a child, wait I'm sorry... a toddler! I am driving down the road and notice a pick-up basketball game near my apartments....then I notice, in the black of night, a  (I am guessing) 2-year-old walking towards the road, this little girl was dangerously close to the road, a busy road, and she was heading straight into traffic. I slowed down, rolled my window down and started blaring on the horn! This alerted the responsible dad that he should probably stop playing basketball and he came running! GEEZ, had I'd been texting I may have swerved onto the shoulder and possibly hit this little girl, but instead I possibly saved her life. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it was scary and I was reminded once again to not text and drive...IT CAN WAIT!! Oh and don't play basketball and let your toddler wonder into can also wait.

 I have to let you in on about 42 % of my daily thoughts. My hair. I have been keeping my hair short and I loved it, but I was going to try and grow it out (mainly because word on the street is that guys don't like girls with short hair) BUT my hair is way to fine to be growing out and after a consultation with many people, including my immediate advisors, I have decided to do what’s best for my hair and chop it a sexy, cute way of course. I seriously have been studying girls and their hair for weeks and to make this decision is a load off! Now I can't wait, I need my self-fixing hair cut pronto; I have no idea how to fix my hair, so bring it!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

day 186 man overboard

OMG I just got done writing my post and my computer went haywire and shut down on me and I lost it! I am not writing that again, so I will give you the cliff notes:

I tried on my entire closet before I went to dance practice....

I ended up rushing and threw on the most masculine outfit I could find....

I have disconnect with fashion.....

I looked like a dude who just rolled out of bed and forgot his jack hammer at home

My sex kitten, feminine side is at large

I need help!

On top of that, I was odd person out on the group lesson, I had to dance with the instructor, who was a girl, she was all frilly and I looked like I should have had a dip in my mouth.

I must go back tomorrow and show a little leg, or at least brush my hair.

(I got to dance with Jason briefly at the “party”….I am hoping he forgot his contacts)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

day 185 I float like a butterfly....or a raft will hole in it

I had another wonderful date with my boyfriend Jason. We looked into each other's eyes and he twirled me all around the dance floor like Cinderella. Our relationship is coming along nicely, ok maybe I need to change teachers, he is way too distracting and I catch myself posing when I am around him. Maybe it’s not him, maybe it’s my very own distracting tendencies. My breath distracts me, I need to start carrying around curiously strong Altoids during my lesson since we are like 2 inches from each other’s face the whole time and I am so worried I am making him gag. I made him promise me that he would tell me if I needed some gum, he promised. I also have a fear of smelling, hence the deodorant that I have always carried in my car, purse, desk and secretly reaching behind my head to scratch my back to see if I smell can be distracting. But that’s just me.
We have a binder with my name on it and we are going to keep track of what I learn and my progress. Today we learned the Two-step, I think I did pretty well, or in his words "it wasn't bad” but it’s hard! There are many things to think about, holding my frame, keeping my hands in the right place, don’t look down, don’t fall down, he tells me that he is in charge and I am to be submissive, um ok done. I only tried to take charge once before he called me out on it. I am going back tomorrow for a group date and I look forward to our next one on one. He is awesome, I don't like him dancing with other girls, I really want the rose, and I have been watching too much Bachelor.

My boss gave me two tickets to the Predators game! yay! He said it was for my great attitude towards my new role in the company. I am excited; I am taking Kelly in a couple of weeks. And I got a package from Sarah; she sent me some hand-me-down sunglasses. The note said, “Just keeping the tradition alive."  Is making contributions to Stephanie’s Salvation Army the tradition? If so, I am can get behind that and I will treasure my new old aviators, so thanks girl! Did I mention I need an iron and some hand towels?

Monday, March 5, 2012

day 184 holler!

I love The Voice! Battle rounds in effect! I love dynamic and I love competitive...great show. “The Girls Tell All” on the Bachelorette,  I can do without, (sorry to my girls who are into it, I just don't do any "tell all shows" or "Reunion shows" on any of my crap always turns into a hen house of girls cackling and its annoying! Tonight was no different, a bunch of girls hem- hawin around about how they lost and they hate Courtney, it’s a good thing I have the power of fast forward. BUT I am looking forward to see who wins next week…..come on Lindsey!
So after my whole tornado fake out extravaganza...I didn't get chance to talk about the best part of the weekend. Brandy and I got up the next morning and went shopping........I got my very first pair of cowboy boots!!!! Woo hoo and yeehaw, holla and holler!!! So excited, I have been longing for them for like forever! They are so freakin comfy and I can't wait to wear them with cute little skirts and well everything. My country girl swagger has been wanting to come out full force and now I really don't have a me up I say! I feel like I have gloves on my feets. I also can't wait to wear them tomorrow night on my 2nd date, I mean dance lesson with Jason... he is gonna fall in love, poor guy won't even have a chance :)

Brandy and I also got some furniture for her.......POOL! She is having a pool installed in her back yard this summer!!! My summer house will have a pool and that is great news! They break ground late May-early June...her “sanctuary” is what she is calling it....I am calling it my “country color me up heaven.”

Sunday, March 4, 2012

day 183 heed our warning

Since I don't have a video camera following me around, I am gonna have to get animated for this story....
It’s a typical Friday at work and my boss informs me that there are going to be tornadoes coming through Middle TN including Nashville today, ok sweet. He then tells me that the storms are going to be the worse storms that Nashville has seen since the floods. Awesome. Well now he has my attention, I would like to reiterate the fact that I don't do storms, deathly afraid of storms, therefore, tornadoes go to the top of my freak out list. I kind of put it in the back of my head, my office doesn't have any windows, so I am just gonna go about my work and act like I didn't hear a word he said. Then he comes up to me after lunch (all it is is windy at this point, very windy) and says that we are closing early so everyone can get in a safe place before the storms hit about 4ish.

Now I am getting a bit nervous, so I start watching the news on my computer, schools are closing, businesses are shutting down, and I am being shipped off to my apartment that is on the top floor and is not tornado friendly. Now that I realize the city is basically shutting down, my boss tells me I shouldn't go to my apartment, I couldn’t agree more.  He offers up his basement, I told him I was going to go to Kelly’s that she has a basement. I text Kelly and she is in Knoxville but I have a key and her new roommate will be there, so that is my plan. We are leaving at 3pm, the wind is really cookin and everyone is filing out of the of building to their perspective basements (when at 6’7" guy tells me he is worried, it doesn't help).

I get in the car and get on the phone with Brandy, her and I make a split decision; we figured I have a small window to escape Nashville and make a beeline for Manchester instead. I decide that I would rather not be in the line of fire and go for it. I literally jump on the highway, do not stop for clothes, don’t even stop for gas, I am just getting the hell out of the city as fast as possible.

Then Kelly calls me and tells me that there are tornadoes touching down north of Chattanooga (Brandy lives one hour north of Chattanooga) so I start freking out.  She says I may want to think about turning around and just go to her basement. At this point, I am full force ahead to Manchester, I waver for a few minutes, but decide to keep on truckin. Kelly said ok, if you are going to stay on the highway at least get in the right lane and if you see a tornado, get into a ditch. Ah crap, ok ,will do Kelly thanks! So I hang up the phone and start going like 100mph, but it’s a bit difficult with the wind wanting to take the Camry in its own direction.

The news on the radio is not helping my blood pressure; they keep saying things like "Heed our warning!" "This is not joke" and then the alarms would go off!  I slow down and now I am trying to think logically, so I can come up with a plan, should I see a tornado. Ok get in a ditch she says, I have to literally tell myself, Stephanie, if you see a twister, get out of your car and then get into a ditch, cause if I do see a tornado and I didn’t have this talk with myself, I most likely would just drive the Camry straight into a ditch and I am pretty sure that is not what Kelly meant.  Now that I have a backup plan, I now realize that I am running out of gas and well that is not going to do me any good either. Keep in mind that the two logical people in my half circle of friends are not telling me it’s going to be ok; I got one telling me do not pass GO, do not collect $200, just drive right now! And the other one is telling me get in a ditch, so I know it’s not just me being a freaker, this is really happening.

I pull into the gas station on 2 wheels and my heart is beating out of chest, I swing the door open, jump out of the car and yell at the guy at the next pump over..."HOW MUCH TIME TO WE HAVE??!!!"    “For what?” he asks.  "WHERE IS THE STORM???!"" I yell.  “Um it’s all around us.” he states.  "Ok I have like 45 more minutes until I get where I am going, will I make it?” He said you should be ok, you have about an hour until they crank back up. "Ok thanks!" I sling the gas gun out of my gas tank with my finger still on the trigger and gas is spewing out everywhere! The guy instructs me to take a deep breath before I get back in my car. Ok I will, thanks, gotta go.

I continue driving with my eyes bulging out of my head at top speed and finally get to Manchester. Ok, whew, I made it. Brandy and I get settled in for who knows what is coming. 15 minutes of a thunder storm and that was it. Nashville was a bust, nothing happened from what I heard, the surrounding counties got hit, but my apartment was fine and I would of been too. It rained for all of 5 minutes!!! Geez! I guess that is the definition of anti-climactic....oh well better safe than sorry. Nothing like a good freak out to keep the day interesting and the blood pumping. Geez Louise

Thursday, March 1, 2012

day 182 Cha Cha Cha!

Holy crap that was SO MUCH FUN!!! I just got back from my first group dance lesson/ dance party! I can't even get over how much I enjoyed it. During the group lesson we learned the Fox Trot with cutie pie Kyle, the tall, dark and handsome instructor from Boston.
Then the "party" began,(I had no idea what to expect) they turned out the lights, cranked up the music, disco ball and a DJ.  My first teacher, Jason, came up and introduced himself, I was like “whatever, it’s me, Stephanie, you just taught me on Tuesday!” He said he didn’t recognize me in the dark…whatever you don’t remember we had that great connection Jason?! J

They started it off with a Soul Train type situation as everyone Two-Stepped down the middle and back around and we all clapped to the beat while we were waiting for our turn. Then every song they played we danced a different dance with a different partner each time and they just kept it rollin (such a good way to practice), I did some “night-club” two-steppin, a little Salsa with Jason, he is so cute and I had no choice but to look into his eyes, I totally felt Baby’s pain from Dirty Dancing when she first started learning how to dance with Patrick Swayze. I turned the wrong way every time, I told him I was nervous, he said, “but you are still smiling and that’s all that matters.” (I may as well of told him that I just carried a watermelon)We did some East coast and West coast swing to some country, I danced with the owner of the place for this one and I totally rocked it for some reason. We did some Cha Cha and Rhumba both times I danced with girl instructors….that was pretty funny. We also did the Wobble, it was like a hip hop line dance...I have never been more aware that I am white.  This is my new favorite past time, I can’t wait to get good. Everyone was so nice and fun, loved it!