Monday, March 12, 2012

day 190 late, skate and donate....right Pops?

I am watching the Bachelorette....I can't wait until the same exact conversation between Ben and every girl is over! Ground Hog Day for real....just tell me who wins already!

 I don't know who I think I am when I get behind the wheel sometimes, I have learned that I have road rage remorse, when I get angry at someone I always feel bad afterwards. It usually means I am running late and that is my problem, not the poor guy who has no idea that there is a fast lane. Also, the next time I try and go around lowered gates, flashing red lights that indicate you must not proceed over the train tracks until the red lights stop flashing, especially if there is a cop on the other side of the tracks. The train was going so freaking slow, I decided that I could out run it, but then I saw the cop and while I am on top of tracks and a train is headed for me, I throw it in reverse and go back to my spot in line. The train took like ten minutes to pass and I was fully prepared to get pulled over, but the cop just passed me slowly and shook his finger at me in a tisk tisk fashion and I went on my way. Ok I learned my lesson, if I leave late, I will be late and from now on, I will always look for a cop before I break the law. That was a close one…like literally.

 My boss and I have worked out a little friendly wager on a workout challenge. We have a point system to see who works out the most by the end of the month....the winner gets pizza...I am gonna crush him.

Ok time to see who wins the gayest show ever.

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