Sunday, October 28, 2012

victory! FU UF!

Well I just got flat out yelled at this morning. Sarah I am not ruining your life by not blogging, stop being so dramatic, haha. Sometimes I like to test your loyalty and you passed the test, its nice to be wanted, so thanks girl. I have a good excuse to not having time to report back this past week. I will explain myself in a mere moment. First I want to gloat a little on the BIG win yesterday! We beat the big bad Gators! YAY! I knew we would, I had this feeling all week. FU UF! I made the most of my situation, the situation being that I sat at home and watched the game by myself. This is way way out of the ordinary; I am usually surrounded by my dear friends at Marybeth's GA/FLA party. Well she didn't have it this year; I think this party has been going on for about a decade so it was weird and sad. But at least I didn't have to make the drive. I sat here and did the next best thing, by spending the entire game on the phone; if I wasn't talking I was texting, if I wasn't texting or talking I was posting something on Facebook. I had to surround myself with my peeps one way or the other. It actually worked; I had a pretty good time pretending I wasn't all alone. I am becoming pretty good at this being alone thing. Kelly no longer speaks to me, which will forever remain a mystery. Brandy chimes in when she can; she came up and took me to lunch to other day and that was fun of course. We had one laugh after another in between bites of the salad bar at Jason's deli. She brought her cute cute oh so cute puppy up with her. This little guy is replacing the late Kilo. Kilo decided he had enough of everyone and took off after 13 years. He never returned so this stunt double puppy has come to take over, his name is Deuce and he is a 10 week old miniature Dotson.

Oh wait let me not forget to mention that Crazy Pants interrupted the game with a text telling me that he couldn't find a date to the awards and wondered if I would go. Um let me see, I thought my old yet immature ass was supposed to live a long lonely life, how am I going to do this if you keep asking me out? I just ignored psycho. He did follow-up to tell that he did end up finding date like two hours later. Phew thank goodness, I was worried and I do appreciate him keeping me in the loop.

Ok to back to the reason behind this week’s hiatus. I have been working out like a fiend, sometimes two and three times a day. I am on a mission and I cannot be stopped. On Thursday I am going to Vegas for a hiking trip with Brandy’s cousin Jeff. Yes, back I go, we spoke a lot about hiking the last time I was there, I told him I would be back to hike and I meant it. I took my bonus and bought a plane ticket. Every bonus I get from now on will be for a trip. Brandy and I have committed ourselves to go on a trip every six months, pretty good plan if you ask me. I will be flying in to Vegas Thursday night, waking up Friday morning and driving to Utah for a couple of days. I have been working out like a maniac training for this sucker. This week I will be doing more of the same. I will be blogging all week to fill you in on the details and to ask everyone to go find a four leaf clover, pitch a few pennies into a fountain and blow an eyelash off of the tip of your finger and your wish will be that I not die. More details on why this is important tomorrow.


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