Sunday, December 9, 2012

explanations are in order

Well its official, I signed up for one month of I have already seen some familiar faces from POF, yuck. I am rolling the dice once more to see if I get dealt a better hand, perhaps even hit the jackpot and become a winner winner chicken dinner.

 First off, I would like to extend another apology to my very good friend and number one fan, Sarah. I woke up at 430am and saw I had a few texts from her. They were pictures of her and my ex-boyfriend Gary and my dog, Jake. She was in Atlanta and apparently ran into him. I was half asleep and fully consumed with unstable hormones. I suddenly became furious and sent some not nice texts about her not calling me back earlier that day. I think I was jealous or something, she looked so good and they looked so happy and I wasn’t there! Once I woke back up at a more respectable hour, I knocked the cob webs out of my head and realized I screwed up. Holy moly, my hormonally induced behavior put me straight in the dog house. I am so sorry girl; you didn't deserve any of that nonsense. I would like to delete that incident from our lives please.

On a lighter note, Friday night was our company Christmas party. I risked being assumed a lesbian by the wives of my co-workers and asked Brandy to be my plus-one. We had a blast; we had dinner at a Brazilian Steakhouse and ate like champions. We drank, ate and were very merry. I sat in between Vickie and Brandy and we laughed all night long. One of the highlights was watching my coworker, Paul, get serenaded by the whole staff after Vickie told the server it was his birthday. It wasn't his birthday and his face was priceless. The other huge highlight was a Christmas bonus!!! YAY!!! I didn't waste any time, woke up Saturday morning and headed straight to Wal-Mart. I hooked my bed up with a memory foam topper, some nice pillows, sheets and a blanket. It was very hard to pick out a pillow so I took advantage of the aisle and laid down on each pillow they had and finally made a decision. I am now committed to change my life from a sleeping standpoint. My mattress topper gets here in a week, so I will keep you posted.

Brandy and I had a long talk when we got back to my apartment on a stunt a pulled without consulting the elders or advisers. When I got back from Vegas I put my version of a thank you card in the mail addressed to Brandy's cousin, Jeff. Well the card was supposed to be funny and I wrote a sweet message in it, I sprayed it with perfume and kissed it with lipstick. I then printed out a picture of him from the hike and wrote on the back "Here's to leaving a better person"  I stuck $30 cash in it and put a post-it note on it that said "for services rendered." This was supposed to be a joke and would explain it when he called me. The $30 was for the last meal that I let him pay for,  I felt bad, I should of paid for it and wanted to pay him back. Well I never got to explain cause he never called me. Everyone, including my Mom, has had the same reaction: "You did what??!!" I am standing behind the silliness and the sincerity of it but no one seems to see it that way. I do agree that there were too many moving parts for a thank you card. I guess I will chalk it up to another lesson learned. I took matters into my own hands, did not reach out for a second opinion and it got me nowhere fast. If a guy doesn't get my humor, I can't help him. Oh well, next!

On that note I gotta get back to my manhunt, wish me luck!


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