Saturday, August 31, 2013

kick me its kick off time!!!

I am seriously going to start counting how many times I go to the bathroom a day, it’s gotta be record breaking. Lately I will literally be walking out of the bathroom ready to make a U-turn back in, where is all this coming from?

Anyway.....finally College Football is here, something to look forward to on the weekends! I am not sure who is more excited Me or Baby Jesse?! I am guessing the Baby Branch is all kinds of pumped about the Dawgs kickoff tonight since he just kicked me for the first time!!! I was lying in bed when it happened and it freaked me out! Everyone says that it will really hit me that I have a human growing inside of me when your baby starts to kick; well I am not sure if I still believe it. Brandy said I needed to start working towards believing it since it’s happening in 4 months! The only thing I know is I have fat cankles flowing over my ankle socks, it’s all very sexy.

So I decided after many people asking me, "Have you and Wood dropped the L bomb?" “Um no, we don't want to rush it” I always say. I decided it was time and my approach was cuter in my head. I made him a heart shaped chocolate on chocolate cake with red hots spelling out I Love You on top. He got home from work and I told him to turn around that I had a surprise. He turned around and his first words were, “Where did you find a heart shaped pan?" Did you make yourself a chocolate cake?”  “Um yes, but what about what it says on the cake?” Aw I love you too he says. Um you sure about that? He was a little put off since he knows I know he hates sweets especially chocolate on chocolate.  He claims if he has to eat cake he is a white cake supremacist. He said if I would have put it on some fried chicken that would have been awesome. He said it’s like I don't know him at all. I put the cake away, didn't touch it, and went to bed crying (secretly crying). It was a big fat fail. He had no idea that I was nervous about it and that was the first cake I think I’ve ever baked.  He came in there after he walked the dogs and said he did love me, I told him no he didn’t and that was fine, he could tell me on his own time. He insisted he did and I asked "since when?" “Since the first day I met you”, he then said was I good for him. I said "so are carrots but that doesn't mean you love them" So that was that and we went to sleep. He then sent a text the next day saying it again so it’s all good I just learned a lesson, pick something they love to say I love you on, it was a whole love/hate kinda mixed message.


I wanted to give a big belated birthday shout out to Clare, hey girl! Also Mi Madre, went and spent the weekend with her last weekend while my dad and brother were out of town. My cousin was there because she took my mom to chemo the day before so we all had girl’s night that my mom really enjoyed, she never gets to hang with the girls, especially on her birthday.


Well I guess I am gonna go get my game face on... GO DAWGS!




Friday, August 16, 2013

HUMP month!!

Today marks the halfway point down the road to being in charge of another human! 20 weeks ago today my life changed forever! Now I get to sit at home on a Friday night and wonder why I am sitting at home on a Friday night...again. It can get depressing having little reality checks along the way, like I now live in the burbs and my only friend is my Babydaddy and Brandy (Kelly disappeared again). Babydaddy actually has a life and Brandy is over an hour away so that leaves all you guys. Thanks for listening and making me seem like I am not a loser just going through some life changes that I am not ready for. I talk to several baby advisors on the reg but Megan is actually going through this with me. She is due in October which means she is a couple months a head of time and can keep me in the loop on the specifics in real time. The time is flying by like I had hoped and I remember the beginning of this journey like it was yesterday. Wood and I were just starting to date, oh wait that was yesterday, ha. We were just starting to date and I am having unusual symptoms, fatigue (I fell asleep on the couch in the middle of day…red alert!), sore boobs, sharp moods, and of course I am late. Brandy tells me I need to go get a test and see. No no I am fine, I am not pregnant, I am just late due to stress blah blah. A week goes by and nothing so Wood and I decided to go to dinner on a Monday and take one after. I let Brandy know the plan and she proceeds to wait on pins and needles. We talk ourselves out of taking the test and decided to wait a few more days. Brandy is now blowing my phone up wondering what is taking so long, so I text her and tell we are going to wait. My phone rings....”the HELL YOU ARE! Stop at the CVS right now and take the damn test!” Um yes ma'am, it’s not often I get scolded so I listen (and not to mention she has a crazy Spidey sense)so I make a beeline for the drugstore. By the time we get there I had to use the bathroom so bad that I grab a test with two in the box, pull one out of the box, hand the box to Wood and sprint to the bathroom. I am not exactly an expert in pregnancy test taking but how hard can it be, pee on the stick and a few minutes, no need to read the instructions. I soak the stick for like 5 minutes, threw it in my purse and ran out of there (wrapping it in paper towels of course). I get up to the counter and Wood has a pregnancy test and a 12 pack of Busch Light on the counter. The cashier just starts to laugh (I think it was because of the Busch light, who drinks that?) and we make our way to the truck for the moment of truth. We take the test out and it is like all jacked up, it says nothing really; there is not even a line in the control window. I take this a solid NO on being pregnant; we both breathe and report back to the lady waiting on the edge of her seat. She was confused, “I thought for sure you were..hhhmm ok.” We get back to my apartment, Wood drops me off, I call Brandy, and she is not convinced. We then decide that I need to go to bed, wake up and take the other test. That is exactly what I did. I read the instructions this time;  it says to soak for no more than 5 seconds (not 5 minutes) and lay flat (don't put in purse). And BAM it takes all of one second to light up like a Christmas tree...POSTIVE! Holy crap. I make my first call to Brandy cause it is 530am....she picks up the phone, doesn't even look to see who it is and says "you're pregnant aren’t you?" Yep. Holy Crap (long conversation of total confusion to follow). After pacing and letting the fog set in over my brain I call Wood.  His first words when he answers the phone "You took the other test didn't you?" Yes. Holy Crap. He took it very well, was eerily calm and therefore, so was I. I think shock is not over rated and comes in real handy when your mind can't comprehend. I stayed like that was for the next 4 days. 



Monday, August 12, 2013

3rd time is not always a charm

I am not gonna give you a load of crap and say I am going to start blogging every day; I do however will say I will start blogging every week. It’s hard ya'll! I am just starting to get into a routine and blogging comes with sitting straight up at a desk like I do all day long so it’s not that appealing. But I do miss talking to all my friends so I need to make it work. Let’s face it, I am not exactly Miss Popularity our here, so pretending like you all are listening to me intently feels better than hanging out by myself. Things are way different than when I started this blog 2 years ago. Yes 2 years! I used to be Single Stephanie in a one bed room apartment that I could get to in 10 minutes after work and really had nothing else to do but blog. NOW I go to work, (my new drive is very mentally draining, it’s very busy, I am training, overwhelmed and I have pregnancy tired brain that doesn't help) then I get in the car drive 45 minutes, get home and play house. I get home walk the dogs, either cook dinner or clean up after dinner and then hang out with Wood for a few minutes in front of the Tube then its bed time. I told Wood my dilemma on the not having time to blog and he told me to not walk the dogs and blog instead, so I shut them out of my office and they are in the hall crying and wondering why I am ignoring them. I want to also point out I get called over to the neighbor’s house a couple times a week’s cause she is constantly giving me baked goods. I just inhaled half a banana nut cake before dinner and now I am regretting it. My eating habits are out of control. I literally ordered half of the menu at a local country diner the other morning. Every weekend is spent moving stuff out, in or away, we are in the midst of a long work in progress project getting situated and when I do have a few minutes to spare it is spent on the couch. Yesterday sucked, no Sunday Funday for me. Wood and I had plans with another couple to cookout at their house Saturday day, the girl left around 5 to go out and that was my cue to escape and head for the couch. I left Wood there to have a boy’s night fishing. I went to pick him up the next morning and I freakin get pulled over….again! I thought for sure that me being pregnant would help so I worked it. I told him that I was speeding because I hadn't had any breakfast and I was in a hurry to find something to eat cause I was about to faint, which was actually true. He took my license, went back to the ca, he told me I could get out and walk around if need be, so I shamelessly walk around with my hand on my forehead sticking out my belly with my other hand on my lower back.  Well I guess he was not moved by my performance because I got a ticket. I guess 3rd time is not a charm in the criminal world. This would be 3 strikes and I am out! The 2 warnings I got not too long ago weren't enough for me I had to go and get a ticket! He then made me go to the nearest fast food restaurant (Burger King) and he insisted on following me there. Um doesn't he understand that Burger King is gross and I have been holding out for a Dunkin Donuts and that is the reason I got pulled over in the first place?! I had to eat a gross croissant while the cop sat there and basically watched. I already was in the car for far longer than I wanted because I thought my TomTom was taking me the long way and I know a short cut, I don't know a short cut! All I know is long cuts so this day was not starting off good. Then we go home and ordered a was from Jets and equally disgusting! Then I fell while walking the dog later so I immediately think I harmed the baby, hopefully I am just paranoid. So I decided to reside to my bed and watch crap TV. Hopefully this next week will be better….I will let you know…