Monday, August 12, 2013

3rd time is not always a charm

I am not gonna give you a load of crap and say I am going to start blogging every day; I do however will say I will start blogging every week. It’s hard ya'll! I am just starting to get into a routine and blogging comes with sitting straight up at a desk like I do all day long so it’s not that appealing. But I do miss talking to all my friends so I need to make it work. Let’s face it, I am not exactly Miss Popularity our here, so pretending like you all are listening to me intently feels better than hanging out by myself. Things are way different than when I started this blog 2 years ago. Yes 2 years! I used to be Single Stephanie in a one bed room apartment that I could get to in 10 minutes after work and really had nothing else to do but blog. NOW I go to work, (my new drive is very mentally draining, it’s very busy, I am training, overwhelmed and I have pregnancy tired brain that doesn't help) then I get in the car drive 45 minutes, get home and play house. I get home walk the dogs, either cook dinner or clean up after dinner and then hang out with Wood for a few minutes in front of the Tube then its bed time. I told Wood my dilemma on the not having time to blog and he told me to not walk the dogs and blog instead, so I shut them out of my office and they are in the hall crying and wondering why I am ignoring them. I want to also point out I get called over to the neighbor’s house a couple times a week’s cause she is constantly giving me baked goods. I just inhaled half a banana nut cake before dinner and now I am regretting it. My eating habits are out of control. I literally ordered half of the menu at a local country diner the other morning. Every weekend is spent moving stuff out, in or away, we are in the midst of a long work in progress project getting situated and when I do have a few minutes to spare it is spent on the couch. Yesterday sucked, no Sunday Funday for me. Wood and I had plans with another couple to cookout at their house Saturday day, the girl left around 5 to go out and that was my cue to escape and head for the couch. I left Wood there to have a boy’s night fishing. I went to pick him up the next morning and I freakin get pulled over….again! I thought for sure that me being pregnant would help so I worked it. I told him that I was speeding because I hadn't had any breakfast and I was in a hurry to find something to eat cause I was about to faint, which was actually true. He took my license, went back to the ca, he told me I could get out and walk around if need be, so I shamelessly walk around with my hand on my forehead sticking out my belly with my other hand on my lower back.  Well I guess he was not moved by my performance because I got a ticket. I guess 3rd time is not a charm in the criminal world. This would be 3 strikes and I am out! The 2 warnings I got not too long ago weren't enough for me I had to go and get a ticket! He then made me go to the nearest fast food restaurant (Burger King) and he insisted on following me there. Um doesn't he understand that Burger King is gross and I have been holding out for a Dunkin Donuts and that is the reason I got pulled over in the first place?! I had to eat a gross croissant while the cop sat there and basically watched. I already was in the car for far longer than I wanted because I thought my TomTom was taking me the long way and I know a short cut, I don't know a short cut! All I know is long cuts so this day was not starting off good. Then we go home and ordered a was from Jets and equally disgusting! Then I fell while walking the dog later so I immediately think I harmed the baby, hopefully I am just paranoid. So I decided to reside to my bed and watch crap TV. Hopefully this next week will be better….I will let you know…


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