Whole new dynamic this football season. We got this guy who could care less about “amateur football” aka college football and a girl who is an obnoxious Georiga fan. We have super duper die hard Titans fan and a girl who is now second guessing her Steeler loyalty. I so found out that being a Steeler fan is no longer a fun thing. They played against each other last week and I got sent to my room after cheering on the very first play. He HATES the Steelers and not in a jokey jokey way like either. I told him to stop being a baby but that didn’t help. So I let him have his Titans (since he has “been with them since they were born”) I kept my mouth shut and yes eventually made my way to the bedroom. Actually any excuse to lay in my bed on a Sunday and watch TV is not necessarily a punishment. We made a deal, I can hoot and holler as loud as I want with the Dawgs (even if they are beating the pants off TN) if I don’t wear any Steeler garb in the house, actually all my Steeler garb has to go in the trunk of my car. I am still trying to figure out if this battle is worth fighting, I guess I’ll see how I feel tomorrow.
I announced I was retiring from walking the dogs cause they are getting to be too strong for me and my current state. Wood instead showed me the proper way to walk them so I would have more control and they won’t pull me anymore. The new tactic worked the first time I used it, both dogs were walking side by side on my right side, Quarter (the rotty) fell behind a little but that’s normal cause he is older and I was concentrating so hard on keeping Whitey under control and a keeping up with his pace, I didn’t notice that Quarter had gotten out of his collar and was like 50 yards behind trying to keep up. Holy crap! I seriously had no idea that we left a man behind. Poor Quarter, I was laughing out loud for like two to four blocks.
Jesse is doing all kinds of flips inside my tummy on a regular basis, it’s a daily all day occurrence which is cool that way I know things are ok. I went to the doc on Tuesday just to find out that I had gained 10 lbs. in 3 weeks!!! (I am up 43 lbs. total) seeing these types of numbers on the scale is truly blowing my mind. The doc asked if I was eating junk…Uh heck yea, I was told this is the time to indulge so that is what I am doing, along with healthy stuff of course. I told her after each meal I like to have dessert; she suggested dessert maybe once a week. Ok well I think my definition of dessert is about to change. Donuts are not a dessert; they are a mid-morning snack between my second breakfast and my first lunch.
I wanna give a long overdue thank you to my pal Sarah for the CUTIE CUTIE onsies!!! I can’t wait for Jesse to try them on, thanks girl. We are gonna go pick out paint colors today for the nursery!! YAY! Wood wants it “Interstate Battery” green and have posters of NASCAR crashes on the wall. I guess he will be staying up nights to comfort Jesse and his nightmares.
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