Friday, October 25, 2013

10 more weeks to go!!!!

Yesterday we will call the first post-fire funk day. The virus on my computer didn't help things. The only reason I am glad it’s Friday is that it marks the end of a very long week. Oh and it marks the 30th week I am pregnant, which means we are in the 10 weeks homestretch woo hoo!!

My back is furious that I am lugging around all this extra weight and I honestly don't think the skin on my stomach can stretch any further. People ask me all the time if I am having twins....nope just a small pony I say. I am trying not to complain but every day it gets harder and harder, why does my back hurt more when I lie down? I didn't sleep at all last night, maybe tonight I'll stuff myself into the coat closet, prop myself up on the vacuum cleaner and sleep standing up.

One week from today I get a change of scenery!! Wood and I are traveling to Georgia for a weekend of fun!! My homies Brandy, Sarah and Amber are throwing my me very own shower and I am pumped! Wood gets to spend Friday night with Brandy, Sarah, Brandy's mother and myself, lucky boy! I am so grateful for these gals, it means so much that they are taking time out of their lives to make sure my baby doesn't have to use the chest of drawers as a bed or bubble wrap as a car seat.

Dear, sweet Amber is giving me a pregnancy photo shoot as a gift. She is a fantastic photographer and her skills will be put to the test. We will see how well she will do at not making me look like a water buffalo; bring your wide lens girl, just sayin! I owe this girl a very belated birthday shout out!! This girl is so thoughtful and generous, she makes sure I am equipped with the necessities of life including friendly cards in the mail and I can't even manage to send her a birthday card. I am so thankful for you Amber, happy belated birthday and I love you!


Sarah is flying down from Pittsburgh for the entire weekend! I haven't seen her face in sooooo long and I am so excited!!! Brandy is the best for many reasons; this one is for offering up her Mother's house so all my old cronies can gather in one place before I am chained to nursery.

I plan on hanging with my Decatur crew for the GA/Fla game on Saturday. So this jam packed weekend can't get here soon enough!  The only who is excused is Marybeth, only because she will be at the game, lucky ducky. Oh and big preesh of the correction on the spelling of sauerkraut MB....after the fact (I thought it looked a little strange).


Ok back to my busy day!





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