Wednesday, November 20, 2013

baby got back

7 pounds and 3 ounces is that we are looking at over here and we still have 7 more weeks to go!!!
AAAHHH!! I guess that's what I get for having a 6'7" baby daddy. I was wondering why it feels like a baby is propping his legs up on my diaphragm, because he is!! Geez Jesse, your mom can't breathe son. I found out this fat baby news yesterday at the doctor and I promptly took myself to Krispy Kreme.

My mobility is very limited, I went on a walk today and it took forever! The tiny hill in my neighborhood looked like Mt. Everest and bending over to tie my shoe was a real adventure. I was wondering how being unemployed would affect the only luxury I really can't do anything about, a pedicure. There is no reaching these toes but have no fear, Wood came through in a pinch and actually cut my toenails for me (what a nice boy, I was truly touched). I am gonna wait a couple of days and see how he feels about removing the toenail polish (baby steps). I am hoping I will find away to get these bad boys painted by the time I gotta show them off at the hospital as I deliver a line backer who will most likely drive us all home.

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