Monday, January 4, 2016

defrost time (taking the blog off ice)

What UP! I am back, I think, I'm gonna give it a whirl any way...I figure that me spreading diaper rash cream all over my legs earlier was worthy of starting this puppy up again and throwing some suspect parenting moments out into the universe. We can start with my patience, it could use some work (all my patience are spoken for and on reserve for the moments when I am face to face with a 9 month old and a 2 year old)  so when I go in to Baby's R US to pick up some sunglasses for Jesse on his 2nd birthday I could of easily caused a scene. During minute 13 of my line standing activity I am watching the cashier wonder around aimlessly looking for a price tag she could use for the tub that the lady in front of me wanted to buy. By minute 15, I decided not to verbalize my distaste for standing there like an idiot, I slapped $5 on the counter for my $3.99 glasses and walked out like a boss. Wood didn't really seem all that impressed so I told the neighbor my story and she was like "good for you for laying the price tag on the counter with some money, nothing wrong with that!" Um I didn't think to leave the price tag behind. Long story short, I straight up stole my son's birthday present. I am itching like a maniac, I have a rash that has gone viral on my legs and I can't take it anymore, I am gonna go figure out what to do besides scratch the crap out of them, Tune in tomorrow and we can go over more questionable antics.

(be patient my mo-jo is still a little rusty)

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