OK, so far today, I have noticed 3 big differences between city life and country life: Grocery store is about 8 or 9 miles away and not a half a block. No biggie, just gotta plan out the trip to the store a little better that I used to, I popped in an out of super target daily to get things I need, now I may need to make a list...some call it a grocery list. Next, the trash is an unfamiliar project, I used to have a trash shoot 2 steps away from my front door or a big truck would come every Wednesday and pick up your trash if I remembered to wheel it down to the end of the driveway. But here in Manchester, you must gather up the trash and place it in your trunk (so I guess I will have to remove all of my prized possessions and find them a new location) and drive it to the dump, which is only open at odd times, so this will take some getting used to. Finally, I went on a run this morning through the country, gorgeous scenery, cows, horses, pastures, barns, streams, ponds, rolling green hills for days, no stop lights, other people, traffic, or city noise. But the main diff is that I took my mace with me but not for the usual reason of fearing that a rapist may grab be from behind while I have my music blaring in my ear, but for fear of a black bear or wild boar sneaking up on me or a rabid dog, who knows, but better to be safe than sorry.
Now, I am still deciding on level of disclosure I want to admit on this blog, full, partial or selective disclosure? I mean do I really want to tell you about all of the stupid things I do, for example in the shower I accidentally put the conditioner in my hair before the shampoo, I mean the bottles are exactly alike with only one word that is different. And when this happens, do I consider my hair conditioned or do I put it in again after the shampoo? I think selective disclosure may be best :)
Ok so that was my morning, I am now going to prepare for my day of job searching in Nashville tomorrow. My plan is to try and get a bartending gig while I continue to look for a "big girl" job. I figure that will be a good way to network and meet folks. So I am going to make some flash cards today to brush up on my mixology skills. Should I get tested, I need to be on my toes on how to mix up some drinks, and since I spent most of the time at my old gig make things up as I went along and sometimes that would result in my Mojitos taking like Cotton candy and my Cosmos tasting like key lime pie. So I figure that a crash course wouldn't hurt :)
until next time....
I am so loving this!