Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 110...homestretch!

Well...I am excited! I went and looked at my new place again, I love it! Its so much bigger than my apartment in Brookhaven. I got my power and my cable all squared away (the only two bills I will have to pay what what) My carpet is brown and my couch is chocolate, so some color must be thrown in the mix. I also got some potentially exciting news today. The manager of the Servpro knows that I am moving and pointed out that we have a lot of random pieces of furniture in the warehouse that the company now owns. Its stuff that wasn't salvageable when people had a flood or a fire, meaning their insurance gave them money to buy new stuff, so the old stuff (nice stuff), out of several houses, is just sitting, potentially up for grabs. I am going to talk to the owner and see what kind of deal I can work out on scoring a chest of drawers, end tables, and artwork...we'll see! Its just sitting there, might as well give it to me or sell it to me for like $5.

I told Ed Hardy I wrote a blog and that his name was mentioned a few times. He then called me mean when I told him he couldn't read it. I told him he would have to actually meet me in person and get to know me before I let him read it, its for his own safety. We don't want him to running for the hills just yet. He needs to get to know me before he realalizes that I do not have a clue where to place a comma. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

day 110

waaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I got the green light!!! The apartment is mine! I move in on Saturday! wahoooo! This is good news in case anyone is wondering. I have been a nomad for 9 months and this is the home stretch to stability! I will now be able to stretch my legs out in 720 square feet of independence! Ok, next order of business, get some power, gas and cable...hopefully that does not equal another hurdle, if it does, I will either crawl over it or crush it, either way a light will be on the other side, a light I will gladly pay for. This also means I get to hang out with my family 2 weeks in a row as they so graciously haul my starter kit furnishings to me from Georgia and my 2 Tennessee sidekicks to complete my entourage, Brandy and Kelly. Yeehaw! once again I will say...NO WHAMMIES NO WHAMMIES!

I got this news as I while I was decorating the office for Christmas, I was skipping around and everyone thinks I just really love Christmas

Monday, November 28, 2011

day 109

aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!ok ok, I am still waiting on pins and needles on whether I get into my apartment or not. I THINK i will find out tomorrow. Its pure agony. Apparently its a lot harder than I thought to get into an apartment these days. I feel like I am trying to get accepted into the penthouse suite on top of a New York fancy apartment building on the upper west side. I just don't get, I have provided everything but my soul. I had one unknown blemish on my record that just surfaced and was a product of sharing a lease in my past life and it has caused mucho stress. Many many hoops have stood in my way( which is weird because I thought you were supposed to jump through hoops, not let them stand in your way) to get this far and now I just wait. Tomorrow will be D-day and then I can start shopping for utilities (hopefully) Its a fire drill, I am supposed to move in Saturday and I have yet to have the green light to pull the trigger on a step that is 4 days away. I have decided against taking the pitt bull, I don't think i am ready to raise anything but myself, much less a dog that requires me to act like the grand master dog whisperer.

Work keeps me busy enough at least, today I began learning some software call Xactimate, that's how we write out estimates for the rebuilds. I learned how to draw a sketch of the condo that we are about to rebuild. I learned how to draw the dimensions and how to create each room using the measurements that the guys got in the field, its actually really cool. The past two weeks I have been learning to use Quickbooks, I can now write PO's, invoices and how to log in receipts. I love it! I am really interested in everything that I am learning and am excited everyday on what I can learn and then bring to the table.

I am still texting back and forth with Ed Hardy, he is still a crack up, we are actually texting right now and he just called me awkward. He says I say the most random shit. I told him that was sweet. and then he said I make him snicker. for the past two nights we texted for like 4 and 5 hours, he thinks it pitiful and he says he now texts more than his teenage daughter and its sad. The other night he asked if I was stalking him, I said no but I liked the shirt he had on, he said I wore it just for you. We are 100% sarcastic and I love it. I am in no hurry, one step at a time, baby steps.Awkwardness first.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 108 Sunday

ok so Thanksgiving is over, I survived a Thanksgiving with no preservatives, sugar, or processed food and  shots of not whiskey but vegetable pulp....mmmmmmm! (my mom literally came down to the gym in their basement and we all took shots of green pulp.) Ha, yes, my family has gone completely granola and my body was confused! But it’s a good way to live; maybe I will pick up some good habits from this experience. It was great spending time with my loonytoons family, I liked walking with my dad, training with my bro and laying with my mom in her bed, watching hours of Dexter re-runs, nothing like watching a guy chop a another guy into several pieces with a bone saw to keep a family close.

I left yesterday and met Brandy back here at the house and kicked backed and relaxed. I loved being off of work, it was the first time I have had a paid holiday in 2 years, so that was cool. Brandy and I were supposed to go to the Titans game but opted to not go sit in the rain and went and ate Mexican instead. We celebrated her birthday today; I made her French toast, ate Mexican and then watched 2 movies back to back, great day and all in all a great Thanksgiving break! Now I must get ready for the week and watch the Stees!!!! Lets go Steelers!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I am at my parents house, it has been a great day! Had our turkey dinner, watched some football and just chilled. My brother Ryan, filled me in on his latest ventures, right now he is going to school, he is currently not happy with the fact that he has an A- in microbiology, I seriously question whether we are related. He wants the A+ and will not be satisfied until he gets it. He is an amazing personal trainer, he does most of his work at the YMCA, where he teaches TRX classes (suspension classes that he had designed himself) and works with different groups of people as their trainer. One of the groups he trains, he calls the Parkinson group, because well these two people have Parkinson's disease, and through research and studying he has developed a method to help these people have better movement in general and one of the things he focuses on is how to fall gracefully without hurting themselves. He says that its inevitable that will fall due to the fact the their brain can't quite catch up with the movement that they want to make (that is a very short lamen description) I got the extended scientific version with tons of $8 and $10 words flying at me as he tried to describe the concept of how this disease effects the brain, movement and speech. Did I mention my brother is a genius? literally. His mind is full of endless knowledge and it is seriously mind boggling.

My parents are doing great of course. The dogs, well, not so much. They have 2 Pitt bulls and well they have gotten into fights before and they were always broken up by my brother or my dad. But this time no one was around, they are pure bread pits who are very well behaved and trained but sometimes they can get a little rambunctious if they were not walked or exercised. My dad came home to find the dogs in a bloody mess. One of them has teeth marks all over her face and front legs, like her head was inside the other ones mouth like a blender and the other one has a the same marks and a chunk of its ear missing. Long story short Tyson and Evander had a re-match doggie style. This happened on Tuesday and neither one of the dogs have gotten up since I got here, they are either sleeping or literally licking their wounds. So here's an idea, separate them and I take Sky, the white one, to live with me in my apartment. She is the sweetest dog, very very people friendly I just wouldn't be able to bring her around any other dogs unless she has a muzzle on. She is the perfect age, 2, and she is fully trained, and no one will be messing with me, so I am gonna toss the idea around in my head over the next week. She will have some battle scars but she is still cute. I also like the idea of being forced to take at least one walk a day and knowing I have an attack dog watching my back when I sleep, will calm me down on being a freaker.

Anyhoo, I hope everyone is enjoying their time off...I know I am...Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

day 105 vacation

hey hey hey y'all! Today I feel much better, not because the problem is resolved, but because, what will be will be. (and my new Zack Brown CD helped, one of the songs says "I am gonna make this day a lil better than the last" and that is always my motto. I am now at Brandy's house, she is not here, but I stopped here for the night so I wouldn't have to drive over the mountain to my parents at night.

Good day at work, this is the first paid holiday I have have had in 2 years, so I am pumped to take a couple of days off. Work is good, I really enjoy my new team , our old manager is gone and we are gelling nicely. Lasts night drama still exists but I will not stress, I will go with the flow and know that the Lord will make it happen if its supposed to happen.

My girls are excepting me at work, I am being myself and they are complying with my behavior. I had Toni belly laughing today. She said she was going to Illinois tonight and I said "oh that's like 8 hours right?" she was like no its like 3 hours, I said "oh I forgot I was in Tennessee" she belly laughed and said that was the funniest thing she has ever heard and I walked away and listened to her laugh. Then all the girls had a drawing on who they would have for a Secret Santa, (I didn't read the whole email that they sent out..keep that in mind..).We all drew names and I (as a joke) said  "oh crap" when I read the name I drew. Then they started describing the rules, I was like wait, we have to give gifts until Christmas?? They said, " I feel sorry for the name Stephanie drew :)" So now I am on board I am gonna be the best Secret Santa ever. We are supposed to give little gifts like candy or cards until our party...I am in, who doesn't love a Snickers? Bottom line, the girls of the office are starting to get my sense of humor and its fun. Lori, my business manager asked what I was doing for Thanksgiving, just because she wanted to make sure I had somewhere to go, which was nice. I am loving my work people, they are actually pretty funny.

I am going to bed and I am excited to see my family tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

day 104

my life is about hurdles. jumping over them, one by one. I am faced with another hurdle and I don't feel like jumping, I feel like crawling over it, I am tired, I am tired of jumping. I feel blue and I just want one block of easy street, that is all I am asking. I don't really wanna talk about my new road block, I just want it to go away. I am strong, but right now I am tired. When does it stop? I honestly have not been stressed out since I moved to Tennessee. I have been rolling with it, going with the flow and trying to create a life for myself and feeling great about every step. But last night and tonight I feel discouraged. I know that I will get through it, like I get through everything. I know I am being a little dramatic, but this is how I feel. I don't want to disclose what happened, I just want to work through it and come back a stronger person. If what won't kill you makes you stronger were true, I am giving the Incredible Hulk an run for his money.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

day 103 Sunday, the day of rest

I am so tired, from what I don't know. The only thing I did today was drop my deposit off along with my application. Everyone cross your fingers that everything goes smoothly with processing my application whammies no whammies. Other than that, I was completely useless, I watched TV all day after Brandy filled our bellies with biscuits and gravy, she left, then Kelly ordered pizza, then made cookies. Oh and the sweetie that she is, washed, dried and folded my laundry that I slipped in her laundry basket. So, this was nice relaxing day and I am sure I gained at least 2 more lbs. Tomorrow I will figure out a way to work out...I am saying it right now, so I will be held accountable. I need structure and discipline on the fitness front or I am gonna have to buy all new clothes because I am seriously testing out the strength of the buttons on all of my pants. Ok I must go to bed, I need to mentally prepare myself to cram 5 days worth of work into 3 day and then head to my family's for Thanksgiving. Good night.

day 102 light at the end of the tunnel

Moving day is coming, everybody sing!!! Yesterday was an awesome day! Not only was it gorgeous out, we got a lot done! Brandy drove up from Manchester and met us at Kelly's house. I made a deal with them both who are "Twi-hards" (Twilight die hards) and all I have been hearing lately from both of them is they can't wait to see the Breaking Dawn movie. So I made a deal with them, y'all help me look for a place and I will go to this movie with y'all. They were all about it, but to be quite honest, I think that both of them would of helped me look for a place regardless, anything to get me the hell out of their house! ha no I know hey don't feel that way...but the time has come regardless! Now I have my entourage in tow, ready to pound the pavement, I had several places and appointments on the agenda. The first place was in Lil Mexico, the 2nd place was in Lil Harlem (yea we didn't even get out of the car for that one) then I showed them the place I had already looked at the day before and the day before that. They loved it, comparably speaking! They immediately felt at ease at this place, lets be clear, its not fabulous but fabulous in my price range. The girls noticed that there were nice cars in the parking lots and not a bunch of beaters and jalopies, that was a good sign, demographically speaking. We went into the leasing office and homegirl can't find the keys to the apartment that I wanted to show my entourage (AKA, first and second opinion) She never found the keys, it was a different girl than who I have been dealing with, so I think the other girl hid the keys so it would not be rented to someone else (she said she would hold it and did it by hiding the keys, brilliant) We went to model instead and both girls gave me the thumbs up on moving in here! My new place has 100 more square feet than my one bedroom in Atlanta and almost $300 less.  So I am going to bring in my application, application fee and deposit today!! WOOT WOOT! I am so excited!!! I am so glad the girls were there to help me make this decision, they both know the area and both said I will be safe there, so YAY! (thanks ladies) ITs on! December 3rd is moving day!! MY CLOUD NINE IS STARTING TO TAKE SHAPE!!

After that we grabbed a bite to eat and then went to the movies. We took the last 3 seats, this place was packed! The movie was pretty good considering I don't get into those types of movies or books for that matter. Then we came back to Kelly's to relax on the deck with a fire in the fire pit.We all get along rally well, so it was a good day. It was so nice out and we took advantage of this last non-cold November day.

Oh did I mention that Mike D lives in the will be nice to have a familiar face in my new hood and maybe he will take me out with his $300 referral fee he will get thanks to me....its all about workin the angles.

Ok gotta go, Brandy is cooking Biscuits and sausage gravy, yippee!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 102...loco

I talked to my Ed Hardy guy again last night. That's what he is in my phone and I will refer to him as such. He honestly cracks me up...I laugh more than I talk when we are on the phone....that is huge!! His voice and the way he talks still throws me off but I finally figured out who he sounds, its a combination of Earnest P Worrell and Joe Pesci. Last night I told him he sounded like an auctioneer from Chicago. He likes my random texts, so I was watching the movie "Horrible Bosses" tonight and the saying "batshit crazy" came up and so I texted him saying that I love that saying. I am at Aimee's, she is at work and said I could stay here. I spent the first hour  trying to figure out how to turn off the Closed Caption on her TV, so annoying, but I finally figured it out. So I still haven't gotten a response from Ed Hardy and I am thinking of texting him and telling him that text was not meant for him....or I may just let him think I am batshit crazy

Thursday, November 17, 2011

day 101 baby steps and strangers

Ok, so I have led on to the fact that I am a bit superstitious and this week I have done a good job of forcing myself to undo a superstition that i have carried with me all of my adult life. Actually, it may have started as a kid, I can't remember, but most of my life, until this week, I always always always lift my feet when going over railroad road tracks. Its bad luck to keep your feet on the floor board when crossing them, driving or riding it doesn't matter. I think it turned into more of a habit than a superstition. I will go ahead and say for the last 20 years i have been doing this. BUT in Nashville there is a crap load of RR tracks and I literally work right next to some and have to kinda do a U-turn on them to get to my work. Trying to drive and steer over huge tracks while making a U-turn with my feet up was way too much eye-hand coordination early in the morning. I have to give it enough gas to take me over the tracks, but not too much where I go flying. So I have been working on putting my feet down all week and I gotta say it feels wrong, really really weird and liberating at the same time. I mean lets get real, lifting up my feet didn't exactly bring me a whole bunch of good luck over the years, so I figure this hootinanny way of thinking was nothing but habit that I must break. So I did, baby steps.

And now I just got freaked out via text. A few weeks ago,  I got a strange text from a number I didn't know with an Atlanta area code:

stranger: want to go Fogo De Choi at 1230pm on Thursday. I just confirmed with him.
me: sure! who is this?
stranger: wrong text

so I let it go...then again today...

stranger: search craiglist for office furniture. there is a good bit for sale
me: I don't care
stranger: about?
stranger: care about me?
me: sorry you have the wrong number
stranger: Do you live in Nashville?
me: yes, who is this?
stranger: and your cousin, lets talk about her, she must of pulled her groin and cant keep her legs closed
me. seriously u r freaking me out...who is this?
stranger:and your blog is amazing work, don't stop, we want more more more
stranger: you don't know me but I know you
me: well introduce yourself
( he sends me a pic and I cant figure it out what it is and he says its a clue) I study the pic and realize its a dog's balls
It took me about 2 minutes....
TD! I say
stranger: haha...who did you call?
me: no one i figured it out, who takes a picture of his dogs balls? weirdo
TD: whatever you recognized my dogs balls!
me: good point

(he was trying to text his friend Steffan)

That damn TD (aka burp in my mouth)....freaking me out! I just got done telling Allie to get a restraining order against a guy who is stalking her and then this happened...this is shortly after I thought an oven mitt on the living room floor was a rat. I may be a little on edge about something...not sure what...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

day 100!! mile marker 100

ha, so I just got off the phone with a dude from POF...(I know Marybeth, I said I stopped with the online crap, but I got bored) So me and this guy have been emailing for awhile, he said I was the first girl he came across that didn't look all strung out waking up in an Ed Hardy T-shirt, so I went along with it. He was making me laugh...VERY RARE! So we moved the relationship to texting, I told him I wasn't ready for voice on voice action, so we have been texting, and he is still making me laugh. He finally asked if I was really a man since I wouldn't call him, so I did. Actually, I called him after he said he was cooking bacon naked, I told him that was a very bad idea, so I called to prove to him I wasn't a man and to check on his burn marks from the grease splatter. Turns out he was kidding and all was good. We talked for 40 minutes, well I laughed for about 20 because he was joking around with me like he known me for years. He said I was throwing him off with my voice, he said I don't sound like my picture, that I sound like a little kid from the, ok whatever, I almost said "you sound like Earnest, you know what I mean Vern?" but I let that slide. I was my complete self, just saying whatever came to mind. He had me belly laughing a couple of times cause he was totally calling me out on a few things, anyway, it was good and refreshing. I have been called a yankee a few times in Tennessee and I get very upset, like I bow up on people who say I sound like a yankee. I get all defensive because it doesn't make any sense, I just caulk it up to the fact that these boys are so southern country that I sound northern to them....I guess that's what it is....I lived in GA for 26 years for Pete sakes!

Today was a good and long day at work, I am super busy and I love it. Rusty took me out to lunch and Kelly took me out to dinner, I love my friends! They all make sure I eat!

I was driving to work this morning and I pictured me moving into a place in a couple of weeks, it was the first time I saw a light at the end of the tunnel and it made me cry.....I think I might also be hormonal...nevertheless, I had a moment....and now I am going to bed with a smile...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

day 99!!! tuesday

So Allie and I had a talk and we are gonna go our separate ways for now on the living situation. I told her if she wasn't ready to move in a couple of weeks that I needed to know, I don't want to stress either of us out . She agreed and gracefully bowed out with the promise that I would look for a 6 month lease so we could eventually live together. Um ok, we will see....if I had it my way, I wouldn't move for another 5 years, unless the man of my dreams wisked me we shall see. I just texted Mike D and asked him where he lives, cause I know he lives in town, in my price range and he hasn't texted me back, maybe he is trying to figure out a way for us to live together instead :)

I was thinking about this past weekend and laughing, when Brandy, Stayce, Beth and me were together, we totally did the whole slumber party bit at the age of 34 plus. We braided each others hair, put make-up on each other and staged a pillow fight so we could get it on camera for Beth's husband...perv! ha! it was fun...the only thing we didn't do was prank call boys because everyone has caller ID on their phone.

Today was the first day that my boss took over Freds desk( he demoted himself and is now the Contruction Manager instead of the General Manager), it went well, I am pretty sure he misses is his office now that he sees how loud me and Paul are on the phone...Paul mostly...ha

I am gotta get to sleep cause I have a 7am meeting and I am pumped about living by myself agian...holla ATL firends! I will soon have an air matress with your name on it!

Monday, November 14, 2011

day 98....gitty

Mike D asked to be my friend on FB! Yes, he saw me the other day and now he can't stop thinking about me, I knew it! :) I mean, lets start connecting the dots and him got hired together at Margaritaville, I bowed out and so did he, he was following me to my next job and since he couldn't follow me to my big girl job, he stayed at Blackstone. And now is seeking me out, its only a matter of time until I receive a box of chocolates from a secret admirer on my car...I can't wait.

I went to see a cute little house today. The lady who owns it was so nice, she was a little wacky but super nice( she kinda reminded me of my mom I am not gonna lie). She asked when I could move in and I said tomorrow, she just chuckled. Then later she saw the clothes in the back of my car and she said oh you really do wanna move in tomorrow, ha! Well yes that would be nice. Allie and I are going to see it again Wednesday. I like it, but I don't know if she will like it. I am now getting a little nervous that Allie is not going to be financially ready to move when I am...I don't know that for sure, but waiting tables is so unpredictable and I am sorta having anxiety over it. She mentioned that she is broke right now, not something I want to hear when I am prepared to move in two weeks. I do want to live with Allie, but maybe I should explore my options (one bedrooms) just in case. You never know, I am trying to hold onto the words of Brandy :"Whatever will be will be" I also need to not ignore my pre-anxiety and what the future holds in that respect.

I am really getting into my job, I really do like it.. BUT Fred was fired today, he was my sarcastic touch stone and now my boss Ryan is taking over Fred's position. So things are about to get serious really fast, it should be a good move, I am looking forward to the challenge of switching gears so early in the game.

I am at Kelly's right now, waiting in her to get home, I watched last weeks Grey's a minute ago, that was a good one...nail biter!

Oh I have been given the green light on spilling the beans on Sarah's good news. She got a FAT FAT new job, a job where she can work from home wherever she wants, giving her the opportunity to move back to Pittsburgh to be with her family. She has been secretly wanting to figure out a way to be close with her family and now she has the chance, so I am very happy for her! Go girl!

My dad says that I better find a place soon, I am running out of ways to make jokes about my living situation and he is right, I need some new material! Meaning, stability, an actual mailing address, the post office is so confused, they have no idea where to send my mail. So new material is on its way!! And then I can give a long awaited shout out to one of my very good friends....but not until I am settled....(you know who you are)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

day 97

Yesterday was awesome! Beth, Stayce, Brandy and I had a freakin blast! I was a perfect fall day, we started it off with Brandy making her famous bacon, egg, cheese, and cream cheese bagels. Then we decided that we needed to have a pre-game bonfire, tailgating country style! We drove the car into the back yard, cranked up some music, got out the camping chairs and set up camp out by the cow pasture. Brandy built one hell of a fire that we kept going all day. We burned an entire tree up, a Bradford pear that Dug had cut up a few weeks ago. Then we came inside to watch the Georgia game, we are all GA fans so it was so much fun watching them whoop up on the Auburn Tigers, it was is was a massacre, we killed them, it was awsome, now we just need to keep up this streak and do the same thing to Kentucky next week. Then we grilled some burgers and hada delicious dinner. This morning Beth and Stayce left and were excited that they were gonna see there names in the blog, ha that cracks me up. All in all, it was a great time as we celebrated Brandy birthday a little early, that was her pre-birthday party. Happy pre-birthday the sequel girl (Brandy has been thinking all along that she was already 35, so she gets to be 35 all over again, so actually she gained a whole year...its so stupid its brilliant)

Today me and Brandy have made a good run at eating everything not nailed down and watching re-runs of Dexter. So I must get back to doing that......

Friday, November 11, 2011

day 96..girls in town!

I am going to bed after a fun night of hanging with my friends from college, my sorority sisters, Beth and Stayce. Its so awesome to see two friends that you haven't seen in a year and you can just jump into conversation like u just saw them yesterday, I think that is the true definition of a friendship, u can start a conversation from a year ago and not skip a beat...these are your true friends...hold on, Stayce just got up, she cant sleep...I will return tomorrow.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

day 95 mouse drama~

OMG I can't even go into my day right now. I just went through a traumatic experience! I just witnessed a mouse in the house! The cat was playing with a mouse in the living room! I watched it take the mouse it its mouth, spit it out, bat it around and repeat! I called Brandy and Sarah during this moment of crisis and Brandy asked if I was being held at gun point and Sarah asked if I had gotten in a car I guess I was being a little dramatic, but hello, I am watching a game of cat and mouse in the living room and I did not enjoy! So long story short, I sacked up, got some Tupperware and trapped the mouse, grabbed a broom, a dust pan and swept it into the pan, ran outside and threw it into the driveway. SHEE-RA! the master of the universe! Why am I always dealing with mice drama?! Brandy thinks I should just accept the fact that field mice are alive and well and will show up in your home ready or ok, well I don't accept that.

Anyway, my presentation didn't happen,  I was all ready and was never called to the stage, long story short, it was postponed. Whatever, my day was too busy to worry about it, busy in a good way, I am now learning  enough to be productively busy and that feels good.

Sarah got some good news, but wait, I shouldn't reveal it, I didn't get the green light...I need to check that out just in case..

I am now busy texting a cute boy from POF, my last attempt at online dating...he is my age, with a 15-year-old do the math...but he is actually funny...he said he has never spent this much time talking to a homeless person and he had served them dinner at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving..ha!

I do wanna give a shout out to my friend Clare from college. She has always been a my fav of mine, she is hilarious and totally a bag of laidbackfun. She sent me a sweet message yesterday on FB, she said I made living out of a car and eating out of a bag sound appealing and I should just keep on keepin on! I love that, I will girl! Love you, see you at the next reunion!

ok I have to go clean, Kelly will be home tomorrow...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

day 94...CMAs!

Today was good....after work Allie and I walked around downtown Nashville watching everyone pour into the Bridgestone for CMA's. We just wanted to soak up some atmosphere...we went to the Red Carpet and all we saw were some no names stragglers...we did see this one blond march down the red carpet all alone with her head down, didn't know who she was until I just saw her on TV, Erin Andrews! She was presenting, maybe she was holding her head down in case she had another stalker in the crowd. So now I am watching the CMA's and Blake Shelton just won! Its seems like only yesterday when I was cleaning the salt shakers just to get a good look at him. I love country music...I can't wait to get settled in the city and really explore what this city has to offer...first stop..Country Music Hall of Fame. Hank Williams has something goin on there that I must see. Still on the search for the perfect spot and I cannot wait!

Oh I cut through the alley behind Blackstone and saw all of my old homies standing out back smoking....Mike D, Max, Jenny, Justin and was good to see them, I do miss them..they all hugged me....they are a good group of people. The last time I talked to Mike D was when I was badgering him via text when the Steelers beat his hometown team...the Pats. He was not amused.  Ha! He is still super cute regardless.

ok, must go to bed, I have my presentation in the morning....wish me luck...should be interesting.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 93...great day

What a great day! It started out with a meeting I had with the owner of the company. He gave me an assignment to put together a way to train the office people on the Servpro side (the side of the company that deals with the remediation) he wants me to train the girls who answer the phone when floods or fire happen, train them on hardwoods and other flooring. Long story short, he loved the outline and reasearch I prepared and wants me to do a presentation to during their meeting on Thursday. I get to bring in visuals and train other people about the construction side Then the meeting turned into how we can expand my role in the company. I was in there for 2 went very very well.

Then I picked up Allie from Margaritaville so we can house hunt and then go to church. Downtown was bumpin! The CMA's are tomorrow, so there are all kinds of tour buses everywhere and famous people lurking about. This country band "Lil Big Town" played at Allie's work during the day today and Jason Aldean made a surprise appearance and Big River Tavern! Can you imagine, sitting around eating your lunch and Jason Aldean appears and puts on an impromptu concert! How awesome! I saw Ellen's Swag Bus or whatever...I guess Ellen DeGeneres is here. So tomorrow, after work, Allie and I are gonna walk around downtown and soak up some atmosphere and stake out famous people, I am so excited!

Church was good. I learned that God gives us pain so we will invite him in our lives to help us cope with whatever pain we are dealing with. I already knew, trust me, I could of taught this sermon :)  I just got done telling Sarah this very thing. Her mom had a cancer scare and I tried to comfort her by saying that God gives us bad situations in our lives so will turn to Him, he is no sneaky :) Oh and Sarah's mom is going to be just fine, thank you Lord.

The two houses that we looked at were no Bueno, one was right next to the freeway and not functional and the other one, well um, there was a sofa on the front porch and since I am not Sanford and she is not my Son, it simply won't work out.

Today while I was leaving work, I was walking out with Rusty, I tell her to hold on cause i have to go get my dinner out of the fridge, its in my cooler. I come skipping up with my cooler on my shoulder and she says, I kinda feel bad for you...."why?" I ask. Because you LIVE out of your car and EAT out of a bag, I look at her and say "At least I'm LIVIN and EATIN! It could be much much worse"...she smiles and looks at me and says, that's true, you go girl.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 92 Monday

So my laptop miraculously repaired itself! yay! I turned it on for the 5th time to see what would happen and it turned on! I guess it just needed a break, I get it. I am glad the break is over, welcome back laptop.

I am sick sick sick over the heartbreaking loss of the Steeler game against stupid Baltimore last night. It was the best game I've seen in a really long time, it was a freakin battle! Back and forth back and forth and not one dull moment. With only SECONDS left in the game, this torpedo came out of nowhere straight into the endzone from their dumb quarterback and we lost. sucks, Ben did such a good job too, we should of won and we should be leading our division! But life goes on and so does the season.

Work was good, but I am finding out everyday just how ADD i really am, I have got to figure out a way to get it under control. I have shiny ball syndrome and it needs to stop!

I just got done telling Elisabeth that I may not be able to afford to be a bridesmaid in her wedding because of my current status in life. She was so cool about it, she said to play it by ear because its not until May, oh ok, I thought it was in March, and then she made me put it in my calendar, so I wouldn't show up in March :) She said as long as I show up on the day of the wedding, all will be good. Thanks for understanding girl you are awesome! Her fiance has like 12 groomsmen and she has like 5, so I won't be throwing off the balance or anything, but I will play it by ear. I would love to stand up for her and Jim, but I don't want to be a dead-beat bridesmaid either, so we shall see.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 91..Let's go steelers!

I am sitting here all alone watching this insane game Stees/Ravens....what a battle! They hate each other...its pretty much kill or be killed!

Had a nice weekend in the country...gorgeous fall weather! Got all of my preparations prepared for the week. Cleaned out my car (AKA laundry room) from the week, washed all of my clothes and promptly hung them up in my car. Packed my suitcase, shopped at Wal-Mart for my feeding times, got all of my meals squared away for the next 5 days. I am not eating carbs this week, I must jump start my metabolism, I have gained 10 1bs in two months...NO BUENO! Operation "Not Get fat" has been a big fat fail thus far. So I made edd salad, tuna salad, browned some ground turkey and packed it all away in their own individual freezer bags, packed up salad stuff, nuts and cheese in the cooler and I am set. I am not excited about this new eating plan, but its the price I must pay for eating a truck load of Halloween candy and pizza this past week.

My friends Amber's kid, Hunter cracks me up! I just had to throw that out there. Every time Amber posts something that he said on FB, I literally LOL. Kids say the darndest things, Brandy's come up with some doozys too. Ho hum, one day I will be posting my kids comments, one day :)

Well, it was dark as midnight by 530pm since the time changed ,so right now it feels like 2am, I think I am gonna go lay down and watch the rest of this game...night!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

day 90...oopsy

The only reason I am blogging about this is because Brandy said if I didn't, she would put it on Facebook.

Me and Brandy's convo about football:

Brandy: I like the Bears
Me: Why?
Brandy: Because my Grandpa liked the Bears because back in the day Indiana didn't have a team and now they do
Me: Indiana doesn't have a team...
Brandy: Um yes they do, the Colts
Me: They are not from Indiana
Brandy: YES they are the Indianapolis Colts, where do you think they come from???
Me: I don't know but not Indiana
Brandy: They are the INDIANApolis Colts!!! Again, where do you think Indianapolis is????
Me: I don't know I never really thought about it
Me: LOL sorry I never thought about it
Me: Whatever LOL LOL LOL

Ok so that makes sense and I am a retard. we are not discussing it anymore.

Friday, November 4, 2011

day 89 in the country

I am at my country home, I so love coming here on the weekends, its my home. I think I may even come here when I get a place (hey brandy you are never getting rid of me).  I had a good day at work...getting to know the folks and my day to day stuff more and more everyday and I really love it. Brandy and I watched the movie "Crazy Stupid Love" with Ryan Gosling, hubba hubba, so so so hot. It was cute, exactly what I wanted to do tonight. Now I am going to bed for at least 12 hours, fingers crossed. We watch Real House Wives of Beverly Hills, it was so annoying we turned it off, they were having a spa day and were fighting, who does that? Then we tried New Jersey House Wives Reunion, turned that off too, I guess we will try the Atlanta House Wives tomorrow hopefully they won't disappoint. Ok so not much to report. I can't decide if its a good idea to talk about my work folks yet, don't know who is watching, so for now, I love them all, hey y'all! I am going to bed, good night.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

day 88...loco

So some drama went down at work this morning! At around 3am, some thugs broke into our gated parking lot and broke into 4 Servpro trucks and stole 2 of them! They were used to drive straight into a Shell Station with the intent of stealing an ATM machine... great plan guys, brilliant! While they did manage to level the candy aisle with the Green Servpro Truck after it plowed through the window/wall and busting up all kinds of chips, they somehow couldn't manage to sneak away with the ATM machine, shocking. Oh but they did get some cash out of the register, well worth it, well done. We have the truck heist caught on our surveillance cameras, its quite freaky to watch it all go down as they cut the chain on the gate, pry it open, creep through the parking lot and watch trucks disappear into the night. Don't know if they did caught the guys yet, but the story was on Channel 5 news in Nashville.

Then the power went out, twice, for no reason, so all in all, work was a little twighlightzonish.

After work, Allie and I went house hunting! We found the area that we want to live in, Germantown,(naturally, since we are both German) its a lil quaint trendy part of downtown, reminded me a lot of the Virginia Highlands. So now its our job to find a hidden gem in our price range. So exciting!

Now I am at Aimee, chillin with the all the bitches, sadiegracielucycooper...time to relax and watch some Grey's Anatomy...night!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

day 87...the parents

SO I came home to the country for the night. I needed a home cooked meal. Or "gross" pasta hardening on Brandy's stove that she wouldn't eat, but I found it less gross and ate it, not great, but less gross and well, free of charge.

My mom, emailed me a country song that she wrote to my dad about my dad and I really feel the need to share this hidden talent that she has kept from the world all these years. She would like for me to get someone in Nashville to record it for her by Christmas. lol.

Here is goes:

Lovin' Jerry is like lassoing the wind.
Ain't no tellin' where that boy's been.
But I'll tell you what and it ain't no lie,
I'll be with him 'til the day I die.

YAY! go mom, love it, I tell you what, the Baswell talents just keep sproutin up out of the dirt like potatoes.

Well my mom felt inspired, they just celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary this past month and I have been meaning to dedicate a blog to them, but couldn't sit still long enough to get the right words out, so what better time then now.

My mom, Karen, and my dad, Jerry, are the two most loving, caring, funny, simple, kooky, parents that ever lived. They brought me and my brother, Ryan, up in their own specific way and for that I thank them. They made their own rules, they made their own timeline, they paved a way for my brother and I to become ourselves on our own terms, mostly by trial and error, but nonetheless, this curvy path allowed us to become strong, spirited individuals (who can't spell a lick). They nurtured our creative nature and encouraged us to make our lives something to be proud of. My mom and dad wanted nothing more than to guide us, to teach us to let God guide us and to give us the tools to become who we are today. Thank you mom and dad.
They have been through many many many many obstacles as a couple and have survived them all, one way or another. A couple who prays together stays together. A couple who laughs together stays together. A couple who trusts together stays together. I will always follow their lead and live one day at a time in the simplest way I know how. Happy 39th Year of not killing each other, I love you.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

day 86....its been too long!

hey hey hey! I have been on hiatus due to the fact that I still don't have a laptop. I honestly feel sorta depressed, I think that it really is therapy when I tell everyone how my day went, I now see what a difference it makes to not blog. This is my tunnel to my world, I know that everyone is just a phone call away, but this is my outlet during my transition into my new life in Middle new efficient way of communication to all of my favorite people. and if you are reading this, you are my favorite.

Last weekend, I had a fun time in Atlanta, but I realized that it takes a toll on me to pop in and out of town over a weekend. The next time I come in town, it will have to be over Thanksgiving. Then, I can spend a few days instead of a day and a half and I can spend it with my family, I miss them!!!(not that it wasn't a joy to see a few of my closest amigos....thanks to Kelly for driving and to MB for putting me up and to rest...xoxoxoxox, Christine made me take a shower before I went to bed, we put black hair dye in our hair because we were devil' was a tribute to Josh's band, they were all Devils and they played at the Halloween party. Patty was dressed as a good sport....:)

Kelly and I drove back Sunday and I managed to watch the Steelers beat the Patriots, that was awesome!! That's never any easy task for any team, so go Stees! I spent last night at Aimee's while she was out of town. SO, here it is, Halloween and I am by myself, which was fine, but the night was a long night. I went to sleep early, took some Excedrin PM and went to bed. Well, as most people know, I am a freaker, I can easily freak myself out when I am home alone, especially when I am not at my own home. I was having some weird dreams and I woke up to one of Aimee's cats staring at me in the bed!!! I woke up on Halloween night with two green cat eye's in my face!!! I started screaming and had to come downstairs and watch TV to shake it off. Then I got the nerve to go back upstairs to go back to sleep. Guess what, I had nightmares the rest of the night, I came downstairs two more times to chase the bad guys in my head away. For those who sleep through the night, don't take it for granted....just sayin....

Ok good night....oh wait, GO DAWGS!! they beat Florida, finally!....needless to say...we don't miss Tebow :)