Thursday, November 24, 2011


I am at my parents house, it has been a great day! Had our turkey dinner, watched some football and just chilled. My brother Ryan, filled me in on his latest ventures, right now he is going to school, he is currently not happy with the fact that he has an A- in microbiology, I seriously question whether we are related. He wants the A+ and will not be satisfied until he gets it. He is an amazing personal trainer, he does most of his work at the YMCA, where he teaches TRX classes (suspension classes that he had designed himself) and works with different groups of people as their trainer. One of the groups he trains, he calls the Parkinson group, because well these two people have Parkinson's disease, and through research and studying he has developed a method to help these people have better movement in general and one of the things he focuses on is how to fall gracefully without hurting themselves. He says that its inevitable that will fall due to the fact the their brain can't quite catch up with the movement that they want to make (that is a very short lamen description) I got the extended scientific version with tons of $8 and $10 words flying at me as he tried to describe the concept of how this disease effects the brain, movement and speech. Did I mention my brother is a genius? literally. His mind is full of endless knowledge and it is seriously mind boggling.

My parents are doing great of course. The dogs, well, not so much. They have 2 Pitt bulls and well they have gotten into fights before and they were always broken up by my brother or my dad. But this time no one was around, they are pure bread pits who are very well behaved and trained but sometimes they can get a little rambunctious if they were not walked or exercised. My dad came home to find the dogs in a bloody mess. One of them has teeth marks all over her face and front legs, like her head was inside the other ones mouth like a blender and the other one has a the same marks and a chunk of its ear missing. Long story short Tyson and Evander had a re-match doggie style. This happened on Tuesday and neither one of the dogs have gotten up since I got here, they are either sleeping or literally licking their wounds. So here's an idea, separate them and I take Sky, the white one, to live with me in my apartment. She is the sweetest dog, very very people friendly I just wouldn't be able to bring her around any other dogs unless she has a muzzle on. She is the perfect age, 2, and she is fully trained, and no one will be messing with me, so I am gonna toss the idea around in my head over the next week. She will have some battle scars but she is still cute. I also like the idea of being forced to take at least one walk a day and knowing I have an attack dog watching my back when I sleep, will calm me down on being a freaker.

Anyhoo, I hope everyone is enjoying their time off...I know I am...Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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