Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 91..Let's go steelers!

I am sitting here all alone watching this insane game Stees/Ravens....what a battle! They hate each other...its pretty much kill or be killed!

Had a nice weekend in the country...gorgeous fall weather! Got all of my preparations prepared for the week. Cleaned out my car (AKA laundry room) from the week, washed all of my clothes and promptly hung them up in my car. Packed my suitcase, shopped at Wal-Mart for my feeding times, got all of my meals squared away for the next 5 days. I am not eating carbs this week, I must jump start my metabolism, I have gained 10 1bs in two months...NO BUENO! Operation "Not Get fat" has been a big fat fail thus far. So I made edd salad, tuna salad, browned some ground turkey and packed it all away in their own individual freezer bags, packed up salad stuff, nuts and cheese in the cooler and I am set. I am not excited about this new eating plan, but its the price I must pay for eating a truck load of Halloween candy and pizza this past week.

My friends Amber's kid, Hunter cracks me up! I just had to throw that out there. Every time Amber posts something that he said on FB, I literally LOL. Kids say the darndest things, Brandy's come up with some doozys too. Ho hum, one day I will be posting my kids comments, one day :)

Well, it was dark as midnight by 530pm since the time changed ,so right now it feels like 2am, I think I am gonna go lay down and watch the rest of this game...night!

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