Tuesday, June 19, 2012

day 256 fist bump with a side of irony

Saturday was a little bit of a roller coaster, action packed with a fist bump and a side of irony.

After a morning of buying my entire summer wardrobe for $35 at the Goodwill, I went home to get ready for my date. Before my date, my cousin and I scheduled an appointment to start the re-hashing process to try and repair our relationship. I don't want to go into the details, but just know that the entire time I am on the phone with her, and there was a snake on my deck. I have not once seen a snake since I have been in TN and I have spent a lot of time in the woods and in the country. I live on the top floor and don't get cell reception in my apartment. But that day my cell was working fine, which was good cause the entire complex did not want to hear this conversation. The entire time I am in my living room, standing up looking through the sliding glass door watching this 4 foot snake slither up to the top floor deck. This long scary snake was having a hay day on my deck, slithering all over the place and I just watched it during the entire conversation. The moment we hung up, the snake slithered away and I haven’t seen it since. Whoa. Ironic? I will let you draw your own conclusions.

That was just the first conversation, we still have some more work to do....but if felt good to finally know the truth and I got to say the things that have been swimming around in my head for the past 10 months.

Then I had to go to on a date. We went to the park for some live music. He was 30 minutes late. He is kind of a whiny, only-child mentality, pouty mama's boy, not exactly my ideal checklist. I was a good sport and made the best of it, we had a fine enough couple of hours, he picked me up at 330pm and he dropped me off at 630pm. I asked him for a hug, I got denied because he said he had been sweating, true story, he definitely knows how to sit perfectly still and sweat like a big boy do. I had to settle for very romantic fist bump. Whatevs. BUT we have plans to go to the ZZ Top/Gretchen Wilson concert on Wednesday! He got free tickets, it’s a the Bridgestone Arena and he asked me weeks ago. Do I go?? I have to go right??

1 comment:

  1. meredith Mathers ;)June 19, 2012 at 11:34 AM

    No. There is something much more appeal awaiting you on Wednesday night. Trust me.

    Also, I bet that snake was dirty.
