Monday, July 30, 2012

oooh lala

I feel like I know Channing Tatum a little bit better, I got a look at the inside track of his “platform” into showbiz. Magic Mike was loosely based on his life and it was a nice refreshing look into his background and I was delightfully educated on one if his many talents. Nice work C.T, I enjoyed it and can't wait until it comes out on DVD so I can take advantage of the rewind and pause buttons. The movie theater was hilarious. Brandy and I (Kelly bailed) ventured out to McMinnville TN, not McMinnville Oregon. Poor Brandy was trying to be proactive in getting the tickets, she purchased them online, and along with her purchase she learned a little bit of trivia, McMinnville also exists in Oregon. So not only do I need to fight rush hour traffic on a Friday to make this movie, I also have to drive the quick 40 hours to Oregon to retrieve these tickets. Sorry girl, I hate rolling down my window and through three 10s on the highway. Anyway this theater was from the olden days, we got to sit in a room and listen to the projector click away as we ate our luke warm mushy hot dogs. We were so pumped the tickets only cost $6 but we quickly found out what the $12 tickets buys us…cups holders! We moved to the front of the theater to escape the obnoxious projector and girls behind us. After we settled in the world around us just faded away with our cokes in our laps.
Spent the day at the pool in Brandy’s glorious newly fenced in back yard, my summer country home is turning out to be quite the treat. We had so much fun just hanging out.

I am watching Kilo for the week while she is out of town. I took him to the closest park; well some might call it a cemetery. This place is right next door and its massive, it’s a wonderland of monuments and grave stones, perfect place for Kilo to play. Although I may have been tempting my karma by letting Kilo pose on top of a grave stones. Sorry Mr. or Mrs. Dake, I didn't mean any disrespect, but you had a nice flat surface to pose on with a lovely view behind you, please don't join the people on my ceiling.

Big news for Sarah! She finally rented out her townhome and is moving back to Pittsburgh! So proud of you girl, I know that this is what you’ve wanted to do for a while! Sarah just told me that she is going to start reading my blog to her Mum on a daily basis, ah geez make sure you pause where the commas are supposed to be girl. Margo is not ready (hey girl) I apologize ahead of time, sometimes my subject/verb agreement don’t agree and are usually in a fight. But I am happy to bring families closer together, one post at a time.

Friday, July 27, 2012

merry the marry maids

I got nothin....Brandy told me to stop being bummed about not being able to run and embrace my inner couch potato. That is exactly what did every day this week. Get up, blog, go to work come home lay on the couch, got to bed. Lying on the couch is exhausting because I am still tired and my ankle is still swollen. So I am gonna embrace my inner Miss Hawaiian Tropic and head down to Manchester for some pool time. First things first, go see Magic Mike tonight with my half cirdle!
I must find a way to let down the “Marrying Guy” this weekend. I have chosen to not ignore the fact that he is very specific in his intentions for me. He has literally told me that he wants me to quit working and consider a career in "domestic arts." He told me he wants me to be a Lil Suzy Homemaker and has even been telling me about his awesome vacuum that I will get to use. What????? Dude we have gone out twice! He has no idea who he is talking to! I have never watched a home cooking show, nothing on HDTV, don't own a strainer or a potato peeler and my idea of cleaning is straightening up the pile of clothes on the floor. He actually asked me if all this stuff he is asking of me sounds like Oppression. Since when do use that word in a text? I had to Google it: Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. Yes I think that is an accurate description if that is your immediate intentions. I don't think he needs to be online dating he should Google Merry Maids, I am sure they would be glad to help him out. I must consult my girls this weekend to get out of my Sunday date of explaining my deal breakers to my master. Once again POF, you proved to be very consistent with he crazies, at least my expectations are so low that I am never disappointed.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

day 284

Well I call it a good Tuesday when your family wins $22,000 on Family Feud! Nice work kids! I will let everyone know when it airs in September. I need to look into this game show stuff, its time I put my free time to good use and win some money!

I don't have a lot to say this morning. I had a little giggle at what I said over the phone to a customer yesterday. This lady calls up late at night and she and her husband are about to go to bed when the ceiling just falls in. It comes crashing down and it’s all over their bed. So I call her up to schedule a time for us to take a look at the repairs and I say "So, I hear ya had a little mishap in the bedroom huh?" The look on my boss’s face (who just happened to be walking by) was priceless.

My work is busy; I am busy calling famous folks and asking then to pay their bill and to discuss repairs. I spoke with George Strait’s manager, Leann Womack’s Manager, and Lady Antebellum’s manager in the past two weeks. It’s all so normal to cross paths day to day in Nashville with celebrities and their staff, so fun.

Ok that's all I got, I have to go figure out how to inject coffee into my arm.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


First things first, I gotta send some good vibrations out to Christine this morning! She and her siblings (6 total) are competing on Family Feud today!  After extensive try-outs, they are taping it this week to air in the Fall. They have been taping it since Saturday and have won 2 shows so far.  If they win 5 shows, they win a car and if they win the bonus round today they will $20,000! This is crazy! So for those of us who are not going on a game show today, lets cross our fingers and wish them to win at least a car that they have to split 6 ways....I wonder which part I would choose? Most likely the trunk since that is where most of belongings reside. Why in the heck would a game show offer up one car for a game that requires 6 people? Nevertheless, go girl! They will be airing this show in September; I will keep everyone in the loop!
So last night, I opted to stay in and watch Bachelor Pad instead of going to the concert. Sad? Maybe, but I don't care, sometimes Tuesday nights are for staying in. Plus, I had a lot to think about since Andy is already talking about my time frame on when I wanna have kids and how I feel about being a stay-at-home-mom and requesting a list of my deal breakers. Well let’s see, we did meet in person twice, so naturally it’s time to talk about where we are gonna register for split cloths. He asked if I was looking to get married and have kids on the first date. Well he is 38, so I understand there is a bit of hurry, but I thought it was the girls job to act like she couldn't concentrate over the obnoxious ticking of the massive clock hanging in the background. I am telling you I am cursed with dating the Mr. Extremes of the world.

During the second date I humor him because it was humorous on my child bearing timeline. Before this conversation came about I told him how I moved to Nashville and the fact that I set a date to move, per Stuart, and how I executed the plan on time. That was his cue to ask about my optimal time to start a family. I told him that I would prefer to be knocked up by October. That way I could eat as much as I wanted during the holidays, would still be 35, and would pop the kid out in July so I could enjoy the rest of the summer at the pool. He said that we should get started then. I was kidding, but I don't think he was and now we are scheduled to discuss our plans when we meet on Sunday.

Run? Stop? Sit? Stay? Haul ass?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

bidet full of ice

Many of you have asked me why Hank and I aren’t dating. Well he declared us just friends and I am just rollin with it. It takes the pressure off and we can just hang out and have fun. He may be talking me into going to see Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks tonight (another concert on the free tour). I went out last night so I don't know if I’m up for it and my ankle still hurts.
I bought my ticket to Vegas! One month from today, I am getting on a plane for the first time in years and heading out for a much needed getaway. So pumped!

Ok I don't want to hear one word, but I went back on POF the weekend before last when I was depressed on the couch with my injury. I can't decide if I am bound and determined to prove everyone wrong and find the love of my life on this ridiculous site or I was just that bored. Pretty sure it’s option B. This guy Andy has surfaced and I invited him to the pool on Saturday. Yes, I opted to have a blind date in a bathing suit with Kelly there. Kelly and I already had plans to get some sun so I just added this guy with game show host hair to the mix. His hair is short, perfectly parted on the side and never moves, not even in the pool. He made me laugh out loud a few times and that’s always a good sign. Kelly, on the other hand, wasn't all that amused and she ended up calling him a jackass to his face. Aw crap, here we go.

Well he did say a couple of ignorant sounding comments; they were the equivalent to your grandpa calling black people colored and not knowing any better. He referred to black people as "2pac listening m'ther f''ers" and he walked the racial tight rope as he discussed black people versus white people and rather loudly. Meanwhile, he needed to look around and realize his audience. This pool is not exactly segregated. Kelly was just getting embarrassed that someone could be over hearing us and get the wrong idea. Well I think he was just nervous about walking into the lion’s den and didn't feel all that comfortable meeting a girl for the first time and her loud mouth, opinionated wingman. That said, I agree to another date cause it turns out that his best friend is black and all my racial doubts left the building.

I spent all day Monday dropping hints to reschedule this date cause I was so tired. Well all the hints were ignored and the next thing I knew he was minutes from my apartment. Crap! I am already in my comfys, so I replaced the pink boxers with wrinkled white pants and kept the pink V-neck T-shirt on, threw all my clothes on the floor into my closet just in time to greet him at the front door.  I decided that we would just sit on the deck and get to know each other, so I didn’t bother dressing up. Well the first thing out of his mouth when he walked in the door was “are you high?” WHAT??!!! Um no, I don’t do drugs but thanks for the compliment. He said I looked stoned, I said I was exhausted remember, I tried telling you this but you didn't listen! Geez way to make a girl wanna go stick her face in a bidet full of ice.

I didn’t know that when he got to my place that we would be heading back to his work to get his wallet that he left in his work truck. See it’s more common than you think leaving wallets behind. Ok so now we are on a field trip and on the way back we stopped for dinner at a nice Cantina in the Gulch. The Gulch is a new part of Nashville that I’ve never been to so that was cool. This restaurant that was pretty nice and my “sitting on the deck” outfit quickly because unacceptable. Oh well. He talks a whole heck of a lot, like nonstop. But having been around the alternative, I prefer a motor mouth over a tree. He’s got a good job driving a Fed-Ex Freight truck and is not afraid to talk about money. It’s annoying but it’s too common with boys around these parts to rule it a deal breaker. We had a nice time; he came in instead of just dropping me off. We sat on the couch and I yawned 400 hundred times and he finally got the hint that I was done. He left and texted me that he thought I was great and wants to see me again……ok fine, a girls gotta eat and I’m still on the fence.

Monday, July 23, 2012

action packed...sorta

Vegas, happy hour, pool, date, church, pool again and Bachelorette (not going to spoil it just yet). Now it Monday morning I have to pretend to be excited about it. I over slept so all these details will have to be filled in after work. Have a good day!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 280 Happy Friday

O happy day happy happy day! I got my bonus! I worked my butt of for this bad boy and today I will enjoy the fruits of my labor! I have a lot of bills to catch up on so I can't wait to buy a plane ticket to Vegas.

Brandy is going to Vegas for work and is staying at her cousin's house. This guy has a phat house complete with pool, boat, outdoor kitchen and he is completely dialed into the city. I have an opportunity to pretty much go on a free weekend getaway with my Bestie if I can just swing a plane ticket. As soon as I get to work and double check my vacation days, I am gonna make it happen! I need to get on a plane and go somewhere pronto!

I just remembered what happened in the middle of the night last night. I have been really good about not freaking out about storms as long as I am not standing in the middle of a field or a parking lot. This week we have had some pretty crazy storms and last night was the grand finale. I haven’t sat in the closet in a couple of years so I consider that to be huge progress. I may have had a small setback last night during my sleep. This explosion of thunder and lightning came straight through the window above my head while I was in a deep sleep. I literally dove onto the floor (I must have decided that being on a metal bed frame was the equivalent of standing on the roof holding a metal rod) and curled up on the blanket that I had laid out to do pushups earlier. I totally spent a good chuck of the night sleeping on the floor like a dog.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

day 279 aw

Perfect way to cheer me up....take me to a movie starring a raunchy and vulgar talking teddy bear. I laughed out loud the entire time, it was hilarious. At one point I couldn’t stop laughing and Hank looked at me and asked which part made me hysterical? This made me wonder if I was really laughing because I hadn't laughed in two weeks and this bear ignited something deep down in my belly. Whatever it was I needed it and I am glad I went. I also got a glimpse of Opry Mills. It’s the brand new, over the top mall that just opened after the floods drowned Opryland, the theme park. Dave and Busters is connected to the theater, so we went there to kill some time before the movie. What a perfect date, wish it was a date, but Hank and I are just buddies. If the huge, cushy, comfy seats in the theater are setting the standard for the rest for the mall, than I am impressed.
I got home and had a text from Hank:

“I always have fun with you; you are a breath of fresh air basybeautiful”

 Aaaaawwwwwww J

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bring in 'da Noise, Bring in 'da Funk

It’s day 15 of being gimped up and its getting the better of me. I can't workout, clean my apartment, clean my car (I know I haven’t cleaned my car in like a year, but I would like to have the option). Why is this happening right smack dab in the middle of summer? Why can't it 30 below in the middle of the worst winter in 30 years? I stay at my desk during lunch with no windows, I am in a wheel chair at work, it’s better than the crutches. The most excitement I had yesterday was sailing down the handicap ramp at 50 MPH in the warehouse. If I don't stay off of it, it will never heal and it’s really hard to stay off of it when you have to walk on a daily basis.

Oh and pretty sure the Big Tall Oak was not feelin me. New lesson learned, don't go on a date when you're in funk. I was not myself and that sucks.

I told Hank how I am feeling and I think I am gonna let him take me to see the movie ''Ted" tonight to cheer me up. He has already seen it but has offered to take me anyway. He said he can't have his fun and funny basybeautiful in a funk. He is the sweetest.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 277 hhhhhhmmmmm

Big tall oak......that will describe the guy I went out with last night. I can't decide which was taller him or his truck (like I could of driven my Camry under it).He is 6'5" and sorta intimidating. This is a first. I am used to being the mighty giant and holding my hand out to feed the little puppy dogs following behind me. This guy was bigger than life and great on paper. I sorta felt like I should have had my resume with me, he was asking me questions and I felt like I didn't prepare for my interview. The last guy I dated never asked me a question so I had to get my sea legs back. He crossed a few items off my list.....tall, handsome, big truck, strong minded, funny, likes country music, works out and he added a few to my list. Successful business owner, professional softball player (didn't know that existed) owns 3 farms so he can hunt on them and is not a big partier. He is pretty flashy with his money, like he literally flashed his 100 dollar bills as he was paying the check so I’m not sure what to think about that. Everyone know that I am not impressed by money, maybe its cause I don’t' have any. My new favorite saying is “I don't worry about money cause I don't have any to worry about" (I made it up).

Anyway, he sat there and told me exactly what he is like and what he wants and I could take it or leave it pretty much. He is an electrician and owns his own company. I told him I was always looking for new subcontractors, maybe I will have him come in for an interview of my own.

He gave me a half hug and a hand shake. I couldn't get a read on how he felt about me but I for sure want to go out with him again now that I have a little bit of a challenge on my hands. It’s a great opportunity to use all my new lessons that I learned and apply them accordingly.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

365 days later.....

I did it! Ta da! Wrote almost every day for a year! Pretty pumped I followed through with my plan to do so. I started this blog on the day I got to Tennessee.....if anyone is doing the math, today is my one year anniversary. I have had 6588 views from you guys on 308 posts! WOW! Thank you for keeping up with me, it means a lot! I have loved all the feedback, texts, comments, FB posts and most importantly I've loved keeping this one sided dialogue going. I love that people can call me up and chime in on a conversation like we have been talking all along. I have learned a lot about myself including that I can't put a proper sentence together to save my life. I have had a few casualties, some boys went running for the hills and well one hair dresser. I had no idea you read my blog girl! Please disregard the salad bowl comment...I didn't mean it! Please don't give me a blue Mohawk on my next appointment.
This first year has been all about survival. I have come a long way from being a lost girl from Georgia wanting to make a new life for myself.  Being a nomad, sleeping on air mattresses, having my closet in my trunk and learning lessons that thought I already knew has been a trip! I have learned that most situations in life are temporary and it doesn’t take much to make me happy.  All I need is a few dollars in a coffee can, a few good listening ears, a few belly laughs, a steady job, a place to live and I am good. God has guided my thus far and as long as he keeps his hand on my back, I shall survive.

Big shout out to my advisors for lending their expert opinions in making most of my decisions. I would be lost without you. Most of my many "Operations" have been a success. The boys are still a challenge of mine but I am taking the lessons I’ve learned and applying them accordingly.

I am thankful to wake up every day with the opportunity to make my life better.  I shall continue to recite my daily happenings and ridiculous antics. I have big plans for year number two and can’t wait to continue to tell you all about it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 275 rain rain you can stay

I gotta give myself some props for heading out on a rainy Saturday morning with bum wheel to do my civic duty. I decided it’s time give back to my community and volunteer my gardening skills to the ghetto. My church hosts a “Serving Saturday” once a quarter and we all split up into groups and work on different projects all over the city. My group cleaned up housing for battered woman called “Mending Hearts.”  I volunteered to pull up 1 million weeds out of this massive garden. Most everyone else lugged junk to the dumpster in preparation for the remodel of this busted up building. It was cool to get out and get a little dirty in the pouring down rain. After about 2 hours of playing in the mud the rain was coming down so hard they gave us the go ahead to head to another project or head out. The thunder was my cue to head for the nearest shelter, my car. I am not a big fan on getting struck by lightning, so to me it was a no brainer.
On the way back I dropped off my RSVP to Lilsteph’s wedding in the mailbox. The little tiny card and envelope got a little muddy, wet, wrinkled and torn. It looks as though I couldn’t make up my mind so I carried it around in my work boots for days while hiking in the rain. They will be confused until they see who it’s from.

I am now back at my apartment with the TV and my book in a steady rotation. My couch is confused as to why we are spending so much time together. I tried to explain that my stupid ankle is being uncooperative and is giving me no choice. The rain is making my situation a little more tolerable, so here I sit in solitude. Maybe I should play solitaire. Actually I need to figure out a way for Christine to stop beating me at Words with Friends. That little spelling bee queen is gonna force me to start cheating, I am not scared to Google words that have Z, J’s and X’s in them!

Friday, July 13, 2012

croutons to the rescue

“Operation Get my $42 Back” was a partial success. I convinced my bank to reluctantly put my $12 back where they found it. I was able to make my contribution to Comcast and they let me keep my cable for another month. The phantom $29 dollar check is gonna be a little harder to get back, whateves.
Today is gonna be better than yesterday cause I am not going to spend it feeling like I took 8 shots of Tequila and then got on a Tilt-a-World at the County fair. That is what I felt like after taking a pain pill the doc gave me. Those puppies will make a blind man see! He will have no choice if he is going to find the find toilet in time to throw up. I sat at my desk willing myself to not throw up, instead I opted to stand at the fridge in my office and eat all of the croutons off of my salad at 9am just to get something in my stomach. Lesson learned, back to my sweet and innocent Ibuprofen.

Today my will ankle will magically heal itself, it has too, its an odd feeling to be rested!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

take from rich, give to the poor and take from the poor

This week I happen to be extra broke and my random luck of last week is not helping. It was around last Tuesday and I get this check in the mail from Margaritaville. It's for $30 for the one day of training I did before I got my current job. Sweet, I will take it! I deposit the money and bought an ankle wrap, face lotion and some sun screen. I go to check my bank account yesterday and that damn check was rejected and returned because it was expired! They sent me a check from October of last year and of I course didn't pay attention to the date, all I saw was free money.
Now, not only did that money get taken away from me, I got charged $12 from my bank! What?! So let me get this straight, me getting random $30 last week was cost me $42 this week? Don't people know if I spend a dollar the wrong way that the bills don't get paid?! I could of left that ankle wrap on the shelf and fashioned something out of a pillow case. I could of worn a hat instead of the sun screen and I could of used my dollar store body lotion on my face! So basically that $30 forced me to splurge and now I am literally paying the price. That $42 is essential if I want to continue to watch TV for the next 8 days. I guess I will be adding “Operation Get my $42 back" to my To Do list today. Awesome

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


My ankle, I'm sorry, cankle still freaking hurts on day seven! So on the way home yesterday I was passing the hospital and pulled into the ER on two wheels at the last minute. Screw it, lets go get an X-Ray, what the hay. I am sick of my nickname, Half-speed, and I needed to know if my flat tire needed more air, a patch or a replacement. It turns out that I just pulled some ligaments which is a fancy way of saying I have a very bad sprain. My cute, married ER doctor sent me home with some drugs and no cast! Hey hey hey my fatass ankle and I are gonna spend the day being loopy and pain free....very exciting.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Bachelorette spolier alert

Plan C is Brandy is coming home early and picking up Kilo while I am at work tomorrow. So me and my little loner pooch are having a spend the night party in my bed.
After a fun filled weekend in the sun with the Half-Circle at Brandy’s fabulous brand new pool I am bushed! I am afraid that my insomnia has reared its ugly head. My sleep is slipping away and it sucks! I was grumpy and worthless at work today so I must go to bed in few minutes.

I had to stay up and watch Emily send home the 3rd to the last guy on the Bachelorette. Shocked! But I knew the second he showed up in the ridiculously low-cut blue V-neck T-shirt, fuchsia shorts and matching slippers that he was a for you! I am excited to see the finale, I haven’t been this invested in this show in years.

Well that is all I got for today. Special thanks to my Bestie for her hospitality...hopefully I will be invited back. She may still be mad at me for locking all of her doors to her house. I did this just in time for the fence guy (Dug) to drive an hour to her house.  The plan was for him to install the fence while she was gone. Oops, good thing he is a guy who can break in first and then fix it later. Its hard to get into the habit of never locking your doors..sorry girl.

Day 270 plan B

Hey Steph, make sure you volunteer to watch your best friend's dog while she is out of town. Bum foot or not you need to do this one favor for her. Don't think it through just do it!

Ok thanks subconscious, you really know what you’re doing. It’s real fun to hop on one foot at mock speeds to chase down an 8 lbs. professional cat chaser. I had no idea this was one of his hobbies. I took him down to the gym to see if he wanted to get a good walk in on the treadmill. I don't really think Kilo grasped the general concept of this machine. He thought it was more like a surfing machine rather than a way to take a walk while the Aunt Steph is handicapped. He sort of just flew off the back and looked pretty confused when I wanted him to try it again. Hhhhhmmm I need to go to work and come up with plan B.

I'll be back after of work....

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 269 lucky ducky?

Ok so after Kelly brought my spare key to me on the 4th (smartest decision I ever made was giving my spare keys to her) me and my bum foot had quite a day at work yesterday. My foot is bad; it looks like it should be attached to a 300lb Smurf.
 My co-workers have diagnosed it as a very bad sprain and since everyone is an expert, there is no need to go to the doctor. Apparently the color blue that has taken over my foot and the swelling are not signs of a fracture because I can move my toes and ankle. I have a strict rotation of ice, elevation, Ibuprofren, Epson salt and a brace.  Vera, our receptionist and her broken leg are heeling nicely so she let me take her wheel chair for the day. I now have a new appreciation for the disabled. I did however get a kick out of people wheeling me down the hall at mock speeds just for fun.

I went out during my lunch hour yesterday to search for my keys. I went back to the scene of the crime, the area where the sidewalk jumped up and took me down like a champ. I went into the Hilton for my “shot in the dark” option. Nope they didn't have them but man was that a nice establishment. I looked in the bushes out front and came up empty handed. One last spot to try, Legends, but I didn't think to go in there earlier because I merely stopped in there to use the restroom and that was it. I go in head hung low and bounced out of there cheering, they had them the whole time! I know what I did, while looking for my deodorant at the bottom of my purse (because I have a spare deodorant at all times) I laid my keys on the sink! Woohoo! Victory! Now I can get into my office, do my laundry, go to the gym, get the mail, and put all of my spares back in their places. I am one lucky ducky!

I have been briefly chitchatting with Meredith's musician friend, Clay, per her instructions of course....things are sorta kinda starting to a little bit somewhat take shape with this guy. He ain't making it easy and that is actually a good thing...keep me on my toes I say!

 After work Kelly and I are heading to the country for the ribbon cutting event of Brandy's bomb-ass pool! Its finally installed and waiting on us! So appreciative of her upgrading my country home!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Well the 3rd of July had Spazwell written all over it. This is the night of the concert. I get off work and have just enough time to freshen up. I wash my face and then realize that I left all of my makeup at work! Crap! What in the hell am I supposed to do now? I have 20 minutes to figure it out. I start digging in old purses and old traveling bags and found random old makeup. I slap on some crusty foundation from the mid-80s, found a teeny tiny bit of bronzer that I crush up with my fingernail and put it on with my fingers like it was war paint. I did however have my mascara, so aside from being a bit shiny and orange I think I turned out ok. I throw on my cowboy hat and sunglasses just in case.
The concert was hilarious, good ol Bret Michaels still working it, singing about a thorny rose. Def Leopard was awesome, I was pretty impressed, and especially after I found out that the drummer only has on arm. One arm?? That is one busy arm! They played all the favorites and I befriended the token drunk mom who probably hasn't been out of the house since most of the songs debuted.

We left the concert and the real fun began. I step on this weird elevated sidewalk in front of the Hilton as we were walking to the car. I didn't see it coming it being midnight at all, I stepped on it wrong, tripped and rolled my ankle. I am now lying in the middle of the side walk in some serious pain. I have zero tolerance for any kind of pain, I freakin paper cut can ruin my entire morning so this is about to get dramatic. I can't even walk at this point and I am convinced my ankle is broken. My friend, Hank leaves me on the sidewalk and goes and gets the car. By the time he gets back I had a guy sitting next to me allowing me to use him as a foot stool. Hank picks me up and puts me in the car. After a long debate on whether to go the hospital or not, we opted to just take me home and I would see how it looked in the morning. After I get carried up to my apartment I go to unlock my door and my keys are gone!!! AAHHH! Seriously? When, how and why?? I didn't even need my keys so why would they be gone?  I don't panic since I do have some experience with misplacing my belonging, I remain calm. Hank took me to his apartment which is 30 minutes away, thank goodness he is a total nice guy and gentlemen and is pretending to be patient with me in train wreck mode. He carries me to the stairs and I hop on one foot up three flights of stairs. He gives me some Advil, ice, wraps and elevates my foot and tucks me in and he went and slept on the couch.

I wake up the next morning with one fat and blue ankle. It’s pretty swollen; it looks like I have a baseball attached to it. So yesterday, it being the 4th, I opted to go the pool and ice it for 30 minutes or until the ice melted whichever came first on and off all day. The original plan was to go downtown and watch the fireworks, but that was when I had two working feet. I did get to hear them from my deck and watch them on the TV so it was almost like I was there.

Anyhoo, going to go to work and figure out where my keys went, I am thinking they went flying out of my purse when I went down in flames in front of the Hilton. I may go there, look for them and discuss the dangers of their sidewalk with the lady at the front desk on my lunch break.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

time machine

It’s good to know that I am always one run and one fist pump away from a good mood. I woke up a little creaky, fell asleep even before the Bachelorette was over (so I don't know if she sent Chris home or not I hope she did). The 330am wakeup calls my brain has on a nightly basis are catching up with me so I was tired! During my run I am watching these stages go up for tonight and the 4th! I love my city! This summer is really rolling right along and I am loving it!

The sold out concert is tonight Def Lep and Poison and its inside at the arena. The plan is to watch free concerts by the river and head inside the time machine back to the 80s! I am pretty excited to see Bret Michaels since I have this connection with him after watching him French kiss strippers over and over over on his reality show Rock of Love.

I have my speech prepared I that I will give to myself before I rhymes with Ro Prefrets

Monday, July 2, 2012

Life is short

I don't have time to maintain these regrets. That is my new thing. I have come to the conclusion that I constantly feel regret. The reasons behind these regrets can range anywhere from the smallest, stupidest thing all the way to life altering decisions (although most of my life altering decisions are made with the help of my advisory board) but there are the occasional snap decisions that no one has a say in. From now on, I am going to ask myself, will I regret this decision before I make it? I want to wake up every morning and feel nothing but happiness with the way I spent my time the day before. And if I have to get "No Regrets" tattooed on my body to make that happen, then so be it. Nothing went on this weekend to prompt that just so ya know. Well that is not true; my co-worker, Jenner, had everyone from work over for a pool party cookout. I left way too early, I should have stuck around and put some face time in with the bosses and their wives. But no I had to scurry off, I regretted it and I just have to realize that it could have been a lot worse. I could of gotten drunk, made a fool out of myself by rapping and making obscene gestures to the song “Baby got Back” on the diving board or something. But I didn’t I simply left before I should have and that’s the little dumb things that cause the feeling of regret in my belly. No more! Ok it may be time to get my first tattoo.

I don’t regret anything that happened on Friday cause I got to spend it with my wonderful Dad  and yesterday the only regret is not reapplying the sunscreen on my nose, not a big fan of Rudolph or skin cancer for that matter.  Regret is a tough pill to swallow because it’s something that I can control and if if I can alter my decisions just a smidge, I think I can make a big difference in my own life. Like I said before, I don’t have time to maintain these regrets. If I do decide to get a tattoo saying "No Regrets" will I regret it? That is the question.