Monday, July 30, 2012

oooh lala

I feel like I know Channing Tatum a little bit better, I got a look at the inside track of his “platform” into showbiz. Magic Mike was loosely based on his life and it was a nice refreshing look into his background and I was delightfully educated on one if his many talents. Nice work C.T, I enjoyed it and can't wait until it comes out on DVD so I can take advantage of the rewind and pause buttons. The movie theater was hilarious. Brandy and I (Kelly bailed) ventured out to McMinnville TN, not McMinnville Oregon. Poor Brandy was trying to be proactive in getting the tickets, she purchased them online, and along with her purchase she learned a little bit of trivia, McMinnville also exists in Oregon. So not only do I need to fight rush hour traffic on a Friday to make this movie, I also have to drive the quick 40 hours to Oregon to retrieve these tickets. Sorry girl, I hate rolling down my window and through three 10s on the highway. Anyway this theater was from the olden days, we got to sit in a room and listen to the projector click away as we ate our luke warm mushy hot dogs. We were so pumped the tickets only cost $6 but we quickly found out what the $12 tickets buys us…cups holders! We moved to the front of the theater to escape the obnoxious projector and girls behind us. After we settled in the world around us just faded away with our cokes in our laps.
Spent the day at the pool in Brandy’s glorious newly fenced in back yard, my summer country home is turning out to be quite the treat. We had so much fun just hanging out.

I am watching Kilo for the week while she is out of town. I took him to the closest park; well some might call it a cemetery. This place is right next door and its massive, it’s a wonderland of monuments and grave stones, perfect place for Kilo to play. Although I may have been tempting my karma by letting Kilo pose on top of a grave stones. Sorry Mr. or Mrs. Dake, I didn't mean any disrespect, but you had a nice flat surface to pose on with a lovely view behind you, please don't join the people on my ceiling.

Big news for Sarah! She finally rented out her townhome and is moving back to Pittsburgh! So proud of you girl, I know that this is what you’ve wanted to do for a while! Sarah just told me that she is going to start reading my blog to her Mum on a daily basis, ah geez make sure you pause where the commas are supposed to be girl. Margo is not ready (hey girl) I apologize ahead of time, sometimes my subject/verb agreement don’t agree and are usually in a fight. But I am happy to bring families closer together, one post at a time.

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