First of all, hey Jason! Welcome to my world, so glad you could join, enter at your own risk. Needless to say, he had some questions. I was not at all prepared to be interrogated and certainly was not prepared for a guy I just met to be completely in the know about my daily antics this past year. I don't recommend anyone reading a years’ worth of the day in the life of Spazwell. It’s way too much to take in; it’s a small doses kind of read.
Most people are thrilled to get a shout out in the ol blog, I’m not sure this was the case. I told him that my blog is a one sided discussion between me and my homies who I no longer interact with on a daily basis and with that comes sorta semi-full disclosure. He did say that some of it seemed to be exaggerated. Um nope it’s all a very true play by play of Single Spazwell life. Trust me, I don’t exaggerate about slobber leaking out of my pen top onto my shirt while in a meeting with my boss. Nevertheless, this is a sounding board not meant to hurt feelings so I do apologize and will be considering going private for only my followers to see.
Anyhoo, here is the most unbelievable part, after all that, he still wants to see me and I am pretty sure he wants to burn the Team Hank shirts. I told him I needed to think about it since at the time he was telling me I was looking for the nearest shovel to dig my way out of this situation so I could find the nearest rock to crawl under.
Long story short, I think Jason is a super nice guy and for him to know everything about me and still want to date me speaks volumes and he may need is head examined. To be continued on this subject....
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