Monday, August 6, 2012

ketchup time

Hey kids, this blog is dedicated to all the people who yelled at me for not blogging for 4 days (you know who you are). I was in Atlanta for a wedding and I came home to find a spastic laptop going haywire! Thank goodness for Facebook, I was able to get my laptop problem diagnosed by THE computer wizard, Mike, a friend from WAY back in the day. The ribbon is blown in my monitor so I borrowed a monitor from work and now have everything hooked up ghetto style. It’s a bit annoying to have one flickering screen in my face and one good screen to the side, but anything to get the Goodwin family off my back :)
Nervous Nelly was so much fun! My hard work could be paying off. This whole online thing is a numbers game and a crap shoot and I have been improving my odds tremendously by simply not giving up. I walk up to Dave and Busters and he’s actually cute, yay! We sit down and start talking like we've known each other for years, double yay! We totally got a long during the initial meet and greet interview session. We were being people watched by a couple sitting next to us who bet that we were on a first date. Ha, they totally called us out, next thing we knew they sent over a round of drinks called “Love potion number 9” and we ended up exchange numbers. I went on a date and scored another chic’s number. I let him beat me at all kinds of games and we had some good wholesome fun.  This is the first time in a while I don't have to talk myself into going out with him again, that's huge!

We stayed out pretty late so the next day I suffered through work and then off to Atlanta I went. Got to Christine’s about 930pm and had a house full of people waiting on me. Such an awesome feeling to come walk into a living room full of my old pals. Christine put out a spread of food and Patti surprised me by showing up when she told me she couldn't be there. I love surprises! Alicia, Elisabeth, Josh, Burrell, Jim and Seth all made it such a fun night.

Saturday was a whirlwind of course. I did not follow through with my plan to not book every hour of the day. This time I utilized my time management skills a little better and made it happen somehow. I managed to not go missing and actually made it to breakfast with Sarah. We had a perfect time, lots of laughs and took up this table for hours catching up on everything. I scored some hand-me-down makeup and a breakfast, free food and used lipsticks is my kind of Christmas! That was the last time her and I will have our breakfast date at Goldberg’s since she is moving. I am glad I decided to show up this time. Thanks for the memories girl!

After a landslide of coffee, I head out to my next appointments. Pedicure, rotated the tires, met my Hudson girls for lunch, stopped by to see Gary/Jake and then back to Christine’s to get ready for the wedding. My good friend LilSteph finally tied the knot with a boy she met on EHarmony. Sure glad I drove all the way to Atlanta to see the last 15 seconds of the wedding. Yep, true to form, I totally got lost and ended up at Six Flags when I was supposed to be in downtown Atlanta. (my GPS is so fired). I managed to quietly sneak in the back row, sat down, they said "You may kiss the bride" I stood back up, clapped and jumped back in the car for another 20 minute trip to the reception.

When I got there I had a reality check, yep I was all by myself. I know a fair amount of people from a distance but definitely didn’t have any sidekicks to pal around with like I normally do. So I walked around aimlessly asking random people if I could hang out with them. I cornered her parents a couple of times, but they didn't really want to spend all night talking to the loner. I think my hormones got the better of me since I ended up crying way more than I do at funerals. I cried during their entrance, during the first dance, during all four toasts and a little when I sat at the kids table for dinner. I was the unstable girl in the corner acting like I was overwhelmed with joy and happiness for the newlyweds. LilSteph looked beautiful, her family was awesome and the party was sure to not disappoint. Too bad I had to leave before it got started. But it was 930 and my next appointment was waiting patiently for me at the pub down the road.  It was Marybeth’s birthday weekend and I couldn’t wait to see her. We got to hang out and catch up by ourselves and Christine, Alicia, Patti joined us later. We all had a blast! We watched the Olympics, cheered loudly and laughed like we always do. Happy birthday girl!

Saturday, for the most part, was a huge success, thanks to all my peeps for making it so special.

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