I haven't had much to report until today......
Congratulations to my very good friends Meredith and Danny Seelos on their bouncing baby boy Holden Blue Seelos!!!!! So happy for you guys! I can't wait to meet him!
Well that's all I got.
I camped out in my apartment all weekend, cleaned and watch football...GO Dawgs! Way to play some "Old Man football" keep it going I say! The Steelers didn't have as much luck, they got pummeled.
I gave my favorite homeless guy 36 cents today; I’m sure he is so annoyed when he sees my Camry come to the stop light. He is the cutest old man who reminds me of my friend, Seth, they have the same blank stare. I don't mind giving whatever pennies and lint I have in the bottom of my wallet to the homeless people of Nashville, cause they are working for it. They are slinging papers on every corner and it’s cool that they have that opportunity. One day my contributions will add up to a full sale of one paper. The homeless people are pretty much creatures of habit. I spend a lot of time at the park, eating lunch or walking after work and I expect to see the same folks every day. We have the annoying guy who is not scared to knock on my car window and ask for cash when I am trying to eat my lunch, I tell him no every time. His nap time is after work around 5, which is not the best business plan seeing as the park is packed with people. We have the old lady who limps; she doesn’t beg for money, she is happy staking out the garbage cans hoping someone leaves an extra onion ring or some crust from a PB&J. We have the tall black guy at my morning stop light who seems to know everyone, we works it every morning, he’s got jokes and is always laughing. We have the 2 guys fishing every day at the park. Do they eat the fish for dinner? It’s funny how people become fixtures in your everyday life. Maybe I will pack a lunch for my blank stare guy, just as soon as I get some groceries.
This topic reminds me of the time Lindsey gave her leftover breakfast to a guy walking down the street in sweats. The gesture was really nice if he would of been homeless and not just a guy out for his morning stroll. Awkward!
Sarah and I tried to track down a guy we named Ol Blue Eyes (another stop light favorite). It was Christmas so we packed up a care package and set out to find him. This mission was unsuccessful and a bit dangerous as we lurked around guys under blankets in the seedy parts of Atlanta. We ended up dropping the bag off at the foot of this guy sleeping; he woke up, peeked his head out of the blanket, scared the crap out of us so we ran off screaming.
My ex-boyfriend Adam dropped off a big bag of clothes in the middle of a bunch of homeless fellas on the side of the road one day. It was hilarious to drive through that part of town weeks later and see a couple of dudes dressed in his hoodies and khakis.
Well this concludes my homeless segment, tune in next time for stories about my favorite cashiers.
Thank you! Come visit us !