Waking up and walking has become my routine, but I am considering switching up my route. I park in my usual spot on 1st avenue and an unwelcomed crazy guy starts walking behind me (he is like 40 yards away at this point). He starts yelling out some obscenities, I turn around and try to figure out what he is saying and if he is actually yelling at me. I make out a few choice words as he gets closer, “Keep on running you F'ing whore!” he yells. “Yea run away you f'ing bitch! Run run run biiitch!!!" What?!!! First of all, I am walking not running, stop rubbing it in. He continues on with his rant, repeating the same things over and over as he gets closer. I have a choice, do I turn around and explain to him that my ankle is still a little tender from rolling it 98 days ago or do I just follow his instructions a take off running? I decided to skip the explanation and haul ass. He started screaming and waiving his hands at the construction crew on the side of the road and then started in on me again. I guess it’s good to know that I am able to run when necessary. I am all about a good workout, but getting my heart rate up out of fear of ending up on the 5 o’clock news was not what I had mind. I guess it’s time to get some pepper spray and/or a sawed-off shot gun for my next outing.
Got a couple of my homies invading Nashville this weekend. My former bartending colleagues Anna and Meghan are coming to visit! They totally pulled the ol bait and switch on me. They were supposed to stay at the Hilton but a last minute change in plans has them hunkering down at my place. They were worried were invading my space, I told them that I have 734 square feet and they were welcome to 508 of it. Pretty pumped about having some Georgia fans in town for the game Saturday. Anna is mid-break up and Meghan is slightly crazy, this should be interesting.
I'll kick his ass for you