Thursday, March 7, 2013


So I am going to Brandy's tomorrow for a session. She is googly eyed over this guy and I haven’t had a face to face convo. This girl is head over heels for this guy and I am not sure who this smitten kitten is but I intend to find out. She has NEVER been so mushy gushy and its freaking me out.

I do want to interject one small side note about my cousin:

My cousin reads this blog and she is very concerned that my friends don't like her for what she did.  I told her that they would follow my lead on any decisions I make to reconcile our relationship. It’s true that we are trying to mend fences and we are trying to stay on a positive pattern. Everything that happened in the past is so far removed from my current life that it is not a factor. I am letting her back in my life and we will continue to build on the fact that I have forgiven her and forgetting is a work in progress. I hope she does one day decide to come visit me (since she is 2 hours away)and we can get back to a good vibe again. So for all intense and purposes (not intensive purposes) (I never knew I was saying that wrong until I read it in a book) (reading for all intense and purposes does help you not sound stupid) we are moving forward. My life is butterflies and rainbows and for all intense and purposes I intend to keep it that way.

So now I am gonna focus on the fact that all of my clothes suck and I need to make a trip to the Goodwill to get some more garb. My logic on the Goodwill is that someone had to find it stylish in the past so at least I have that going for me when I pick something out. I made one trip to the mall this year and I am still getting crap for what I bought. Its a t-shirt from NY&C and I am pretty sure it’s from the junior section. I bought it on the way to Will's super bowl party and changed in the Kroger while in route. Brandy showed up and told me I looked ridiculous. I am still wearing it and I am still getting the same comments. What in the world is wrong with my fashion do you get one of those senses? I need more information.


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