Thursday, February 4, 2016

a couple of yanks and two presses

I think that there are two things that people should do at least once in their lives, wait tables and accidentally try to get into not your car. I've done both and both have taken other people by surprise. I used to take a food order of a 6 top without writing it down and not miss a beat or a side, I have also tried to unlock and get into other people's cars while they watched. Usually when I am done with an appointment,I walk out of a homeowner's home, try to get the hell out of there before they notice that their shutters are falling off and sometimes I mistake a white Acura for a white Camry, it happens. I love it when the owner of the car is just watching to see what happens. "Not my car!" I say. "Don't tell anyone!" I yell. This actually happened today and a few months ago at my last job. I had a rental (for one reason or another) and my co-worker literally had the same exact car. I walk outside of the construction trailer, another co-worker is behind me and I am on the phone. I grab my keys out of my pocket and proceed to click the button several times while yanking on the handle several times and nothing is happening except for the car directly behind me is blinking on and off diligently. After another few presses and a couple more yanks, my co-workers yells out, that's not your car Baswell! I turn around and he is doubled over laughing and I yell "don't tell anyone!" Well he didn't listen and this guy not knowing my nickname calls me Spazwell, he just guessed my name after spending two days with me. I have actually done this in a Target parking lot as I pointed my remote at a trunk of the car and the one in back of my opens up. This must be a common problem, I think everyone does it from time to time, yes they do yes they do.

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