Thursday, June 27, 2013

come again? what?! seriously?

YO! Ok so we have a million things to go over. I have some news, its kind big so hold onto your hats....I am going to be contributing to the population soon! In about 6 months I am going to spit out a young Spazwell or as we are calling it, Splinter, Twig or Baby Branch.... take your pick! I am all kinds of knocked up!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!  
That is the reason for the hiatus; I didn't want to announce it before the 1st trimester was up, now I am at 13 weeks and free to spill the beans! I can't even tell you how good it feels to tell everyone! January 3rd is the due date and yes Wood is my baby daddy. This was of course not in my plans, but then again I really didn’t have any plans so maybe this is my plan! I am still very much enjoying Wood, we are rolling with it and going for it! Now that the fog has sorta lifted and my state of shock has subsided its kinda hitting me that I am going to be in charge of another human, not just myself, YIKES!! DOUBLE YIKES!  I have told a few people and I gotta say it’s been the most fun calling folks up and blowing their minds. I got a lot of “Shut the f*ck ups" and a lot of "Not-ahs." Since my social life has taken a quick screeching pause halt, this has been one of my favorite pastimes. Now that I can blog again that will help me keep my wits about me, because I am slowly turning into a 90-year-old as we speak. I go to bed at 830pm and I just purchased Bengay for my back, it’s all very glamorous. Wood has been amazing thus far. He is excited and very into the process. He likes my weight I put on, so he says, I can't say I share his same enthusiasm becoming a pasty water buffalo in the middle of summer. I have gained 13 pounds in 13 weeks and it’s only the beginning. My Mom and Dad's reaction was priceless. I put them on speaker phone on Mother's Day and told them, my dad did not say a word just "WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" and my mom literally did not say a word. She said she was speechless. Once they both got their composure they were over the moon! They have been wanting a Grandkid since I was 15 so it’s very exciting that I get to give this to them. I have already been told (by Meredith) to please tattoo my baby with ‘If found please return to Stephanie Baswell” and give someone else’s cell phone number just in case I lost my phone too. I have also been given the suggestion by Josh to go ahead and put a chip in the kid just in case. So far I have had some pretty great surprise pregnancy starter kits items come in the mail. Sarah has already sent me some baby bonnets, Amber blew my mind sending me a truck load of maternity clothes she ran around town and purchased from consignments stores. Meredith and Lindsey both sent me some great “How To” books and I feel so very blessed! They say it takes a village to raise me and now I am thinking it will take a few states a couple of times zones to raise me plus one!


I can’t wait to take you all through this insane journey of me attempting to figure this thing out!

I am going to start blogging again on the reg but not until the 6th….and that reason will come on the next blog hopefully in the next few days! Keep checking in!



Mama Spaz


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