Monday, October 28, 2013

liar liar

Wood and I got in this deep talk about telling the truth. We found out that his cousin's girlfriend has been lying to her parents for over 2 years now! That is how long she has been living with her boyfriend and not with friends. I have no idea how she has not slipped up by now. She is 26-years-old, in a committed relationship, is now even engaged to him. She says that they are very religious and would not understand. So I guess deception is better than living in sin. The kicker is they live 15 minutes away from each other!!! Wow. Wood hates a liar and is convinced that if she is lying about this to them, then she is lying about other stuff. This topic got me thinking. I also pride myself on not being a liar. First of all, I am horrible at it, secondly, if I tell the truth, I don't have to remember anything. BUT, I have actually been sitting on a lie for about 20 years now.  I swore I would tell my dad on my wedding day, and since I have not had that confessional wedding day yet, I am still sitting on this lie...until the other day. Wood convinced that I should just get it over with so that is what I did.

My dad bought me my first car, a 1985 Mazda RX7 Turbo and the one thing I had to promise was that I would never let anyone drive it, ever. I agreed and he turned over the keys. I loved the car and obeyed my dad, until I didn't. I let my BFF Angie's boyfriend, Todd and his friend Sam drive it to the gas station. Shortly after they left I got a call, they freakin wrecked it!!!! Damnit!!! They claimed that they hit an oil spot while turning into the gas station, forcing the wheel to collapse into the axel. Great just great, after a freak-out session, I decided to take full blame for this accident. My dad wasn't that mad, he said it was just an accident and he had it fixed. It cost $600 and I remember feeling very guilty since I knew he didn't havet hat kind of money just lying around. Somehow he made it happen.

I told my dad the other day and he when I told him who really was driving he said eeewww. He knew they were trouble, and since one is dead from drugs and the other is in prison for drugs, he was right. He said he loved me for telling him and that was that. And now I feel much better.

I recommend coming clean if you are holding in a feels great!

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