Thursday, October 18, 2012

sometimes its ok to take your eye off the ball

Snail mail may be the best thing ever. Life moves way to fast but slows down just a little when you find a package or card that you didn’t expect in the mail. My fridge is covered with cards from my friends from Georgia, it’s so awesome. Why must I wait two weeks to go to the mailbox? I pulled out a package today from my good friend and Amber's mom, Kathy Goodwin. Somewhere along the line Kathy read between the lines that I am on the hunt for a boyfriend/husband/baby daddy/back scratcher. Intuition at its best I guess, some people just have a knack for seeing the forest for the trees.

I opened up the package and it’s this awesome card that spoke directly to me telling me to stop looking and a book/study guide/ journal titled Lady in Waiting, Becoming God's Best While Waiting for Mr. Right.

HMMM this book may have actually been written specifically for me. I think it’s time I studied up on how not to give my number out to the guy who I thought winked at me but really just had something in his eye. Let's sit back and figure out what's what with my own self and see what kind of path I meander down. Both my parents and all of my advisors have mentioned that I need not apply such outrageous methods to finding happiness. Let’s be clear, I am not on the hunt to find happiness but the hunt for a man may be getting in the way of my happiness. Whoa I haven’t even read it yet and already I am learning stuff (or that may be a line out of one of Brandy’s speeches).

Happiness may just be built into God's plan for me and I should let him tell me what to do. I just opened the book and the first words that popped out were “how to be a lady of patience.” What? How does that work? Well I'm gonna find out. Hopefully this book/journal/study guide will help solidify what all my people have been telling me. Thanks Kathy, you're the best.


1 comment:

  1. What about Hank. Give the guy a shot already!!!
