Thursday, August 9, 2012

slow my roll!

Ok dating on POF is not a numbers game or a crap shoot, it’s the actually the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well rather than spell out another ridiculous story, I am just going to display the transcripts of the text messages between me, Brandy, the new guy from this evening:
It started by me sending a pic of the new guy I started talking to today and the captions said “meet my new boyfriend” and he’s at a pool.

Me: He just moved here from Buckhead and he is a GA fan…he is far

B: Wait have you met him in person? Is that your pool?

Me: No he just sent that to me…we started talking about an hour ago…we’ve already talked on the phone, I need to find out if he sounds like a valley girl sooner than later. We were talking about the GA/Fla game and I asked if it was in GA or FLA this year. I’m such an idiot. We had a good laugh.

B: I don’t get it

Me: It’s always in Florida

B: Oh. I didn’t know that. I’ve never noticed that. That’s F’d up. I’m starting a revolution.

Me: It’s in Jacksonville..Neutral territory…its tradition…it’s all good one is mad about it

B: Oh good cause I am tired and a revolution is more that I’m ready for

(Insert random texts from new guy )

New guy:  Oh honey I was so enjoying our conversation! Ur so easy to talk to! I really like that! Have I mentioned how beautiful you are!

New guy: U r a sweet heart babe! I’m sweet and treat woman very well! I was raised by my momma so I only know one way to treat a woman and that’s good. Not a sweet talker just genuinely beautiful

New guy: I will treat you better than any man had ever thought about treating you! Muah! Muah!

New guy: I’m gonna call you and play you a song on ur voicemail! Don’t answer. Please respond to tell me u won’t answer but I want to call you after u hear the song beautiful.

Me: holy crap ok

New guy: Ok well tell me if you could hear it or not babe.

(I call him to tell him I heard it and that I have to go and then I realized he was drunk and wouldn’t let me off the phone so I nicely hung up)

New guy: I’m sorry if I upset you hunny! I would have to say ur the most amazing woman I’ve met on here! I really wanna meet you beautiful! Please gorgeous! Ur amazing! MUAH!

New guy: Please respond honey or did I screw this up?

Me: OMG you are gonna feel silly when you sober up

New guy: Im sorry hunny I just don’t want to ruin this! U seem like a very wonderful woman! I didn’t want to get off the phone with you yet babe!

New guy: you can kick my ass later please! Im so sorry beautiful sweet dreams gorgeous!!

New guy: Im sorry Baby! Please forgive me!

Me: dude chill!! I am not sure why you are spazing out

New guy: K ur right I’m gonna feel silly tomorrow sweet dreams beautiful!! I am so sorry Stephanie

New guy: Please forgive me babe please!!

The End. Then I forwarded a couple  messages to Brandy:

Brandy: O.M.G

Me: I miss “Red Flag Same Shirt”

Brandy: His red flag is draped around him like a superhero. You officially have the worst taste in men

Me: He told me on the phone he wanted to take me on a date when he gets paid on the 25th

Brandy: Flag 1 if he’s broker than you than just eat peas alone and you won’t have to shave your legs. ..Flag 2: Drunk on Thursday ..Flag 3: drunk dialing on day 1.. Flag 4: he’s from Buckhead

Me: Did I mention that he is a 33-year-old full time student and hanging out with his  under age classmates he carpools with, I was overlooking it cause he just got out of the army and they are paying for his school.

Brandy: See what happens when you overlook things? I have taken showers that last longer than your relationships

Brandy: maybe the screening process for giving out your number should be a little more in depth

Me: maybe….or maybe I just give them your number and you screen them…we could make you a checklist

B: Don’t u dare send your crazies here.

B: you may have to block him. Shall we call him Captain Apology or drunken stalker?

Me: Apologetic stalker. Stage 5

Me: later we’ll come up with the lyrics to my theme song “Ode to a Red Flag”

B: Jeff Foxworthy is making a CD inspired by your love life” You Might a Red Flad if ____”

Me: Ha! There will be enough songs for a Greatest Hits Album

Me: These are the days of our lives

B: Not ours. Yours. I’m fine with talking to myself and petting one of the cats

Me:Well ok then go light a candle and rock yourself to sleep while I line up another song for Jeff Foxworthy

B: ok. I’m gonna watch the Real L World and figure out a way to slow your roll

Me: but I don’t wanna be a lesbian

B: I’m not looking for your next love interest. I’m just getting away from straight couples for an hour. Because even lesbians aren’t as crazy as your boyfriends

Me: and that is the sad truth

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