Thursday, March 8, 2012

day 187 hair brained

Big shout out to my good friend Nena for scoring her a big girl job...go girl I am so proud of you! Welcome to corporate America, it’s a blast :)
I would also like to give a shout out to myself for not texting and driving last night! Otherwise I might have run over a child, wait I'm sorry... a toddler! I am driving down the road and notice a pick-up basketball game near my apartments....then I notice, in the black of night, a  (I am guessing) 2-year-old walking towards the road, this little girl was dangerously close to the road, a busy road, and she was heading straight into traffic. I slowed down, rolled my window down and started blaring on the horn! This alerted the responsible dad that he should probably stop playing basketball and he came running! GEEZ, had I'd been texting I may have swerved onto the shoulder and possibly hit this little girl, but instead I possibly saved her life. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it was scary and I was reminded once again to not text and drive...IT CAN WAIT!! Oh and don't play basketball and let your toddler wonder into can also wait.

 I have to let you in on about 42 % of my daily thoughts. My hair. I have been keeping my hair short and I loved it, but I was going to try and grow it out (mainly because word on the street is that guys don't like girls with short hair) BUT my hair is way to fine to be growing out and after a consultation with many people, including my immediate advisors, I have decided to do what’s best for my hair and chop it a sexy, cute way of course. I seriously have been studying girls and their hair for weeks and to make this decision is a load off! Now I can't wait, I need my self-fixing hair cut pronto; I have no idea how to fix my hair, so bring it!

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