Tuesday, October 4, 2011

day 68 orientation

Just got up, slept for 10 hours, that was nice. About to head back up to Nashville for orientation at my new job, Margaritaville, then I go into work at the other place at 3pm. Here is where it gets tricky. I get to train at the new place around the hours of the old place, so basically I will be working around the clock for the next couple of weeks. wooohoooo.

Marybeth asked if I huffed gas before I started writing my blogs, due to my grammatical and spelling errors being all horrendous and stuff :) Ha, I am guessing its not going to get any better due to the lack of sleep and all. Once I get a big girl job, I will revisit the basics on punctuation, subject/verb agreement and overall realization that certain words, although maybe be spelled the same and/or slightly different don't always mean the same thing. But for now, just muscle through it, as Brandy says she does when she reads it.

That is all for now folks, I will have a couple of hours to spare this afternoon in between stuff, so today will have a part two....I know you all will be on the edge of your seeeets :)

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