Friday, July 27, 2012

merry the marry maids

I got nothin....Brandy told me to stop being bummed about not being able to run and embrace my inner couch potato. That is exactly what did every day this week. Get up, blog, go to work come home lay on the couch, got to bed. Lying on the couch is exhausting because I am still tired and my ankle is still swollen. So I am gonna embrace my inner Miss Hawaiian Tropic and head down to Manchester for some pool time. First things first, go see Magic Mike tonight with my half cirdle!
I must find a way to let down the “Marrying Guy” this weekend. I have chosen to not ignore the fact that he is very specific in his intentions for me. He has literally told me that he wants me to quit working and consider a career in "domestic arts." He told me he wants me to be a Lil Suzy Homemaker and has even been telling me about his awesome vacuum that I will get to use. What????? Dude we have gone out twice! He has no idea who he is talking to! I have never watched a home cooking show, nothing on HDTV, don't own a strainer or a potato peeler and my idea of cleaning is straightening up the pile of clothes on the floor. He actually asked me if all this stuff he is asking of me sounds like Oppression. Since when do use that word in a text? I had to Google it: Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. Yes I think that is an accurate description if that is your immediate intentions. I don't think he needs to be online dating he should Google Merry Maids, I am sure they would be glad to help him out. I must consult my girls this weekend to get out of my Sunday date of explaining my deal breakers to my master. Once again POF, you proved to be very consistent with he crazies, at least my expectations are so low that I am never disappointed.

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