Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 57...the shirt

Ok I have gotten some heat about not mentioning a certain article of clothing that completely made my night Saturday, the only reason I didn't is because I promised my mom I would stop using the "W" word.....and I would leave this subject alone....BUT technically I am not using the "W" word in the first person as I recieved a gift from my good friend, Meredith Seelos, when we all met out in Atlanta for dinner....

Meredith made me a shirt that says "My Cousin is a Whore" on the front in black letters. And yes, I did wear this shirt during dinner out in public. Its not everyday you get to display terms of UN-endearment and I would be lying if I didn't was freakin awesome.  My funny funny peeps got my back and that is all I can ask for....I swear I am not bitter anymore and this shirt is hilarious. Thanks girls for making me laugh!!!!

(sorry mom and dad, that will be the last time I mention it, unless someone comes up with a bumper sticker that will go nicely on the back bumper of the Camry)

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