Monday, January 9, 2012

day 138 dangit!

Ah man, the Egyptian gas station guy just asked me for my number! Dangit, you are the guy that I rely on for my nightly individually sized pack of Tylenol PM. Now, I have to drive all the way to Walgreens and by the economy size bottle, thanks John.

I mean the Steelers lose to that weenie Tim Tebow and now this. I am so not happy about the loss and I am almost positive it was the old T-shirt that I got in the mail that brought the bad luck, damn it Sarah!

I am not a fan of Tebow, but I must admit, it is crazy that he wears 3:16 on his cheek and during this pummeling of the Stees, he threw 316 yards and averaged 31.6 yards per completion, HOLY crap, that is nuts.

Well I am gonna chill out and go to bed early. I didn't sleep last night because there was someone walking around above me. I heard someone walking around on my ceiling in the middle of the night and the crazy thing is, I live on the top floor. I am freaked. I may have to double up on the meds.

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