Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 23



Best date in a long time! Besides the one when I flew in on a private plane (thanks Stuart) and jumped off an plane and onto a horse and road off into the sunset..that was pretty awesome.

Anyway, I drove down to Chattanooga, and met up with this guy and his brother (yes I knew the brother would be there)

Actually let me back up....when I got home from the pointless drive to the cancelled date, Brandy was getting ready for a date herself. So I have a new attitide and I head down to Chattanooga. As I am driving over the moutain, I decide to take a precaution since it had been raining, I put my car in 3rd gear on the 6 % incline. When then I started smelling something burning, I called my Dad. He said that it was the smell of me burning up my transmission and to never take it out of drive on your "Automatic" ever again unless you are hauling a trailer over a boulders. Ok got it.

SO I get to Chattanooga and meet this guy and his brother at the Wal-Mart and follow them the spot where we are gonna hang at (public place, don't worry). I don't mind his bro being there since the main reason I am on this site is to meet folks The brothers are super nice, cool, funny country boys and we all have are having a great time. Then I get a call from Brandy, she got stood up! And here is the kicker! She go stood up at the same exact place in Murfreesboro that I did the week before. I am gonna put a hex on that place. I tell her to head down to Chattanooga and join us! She is game and takes a road trip down to even out the odd-man out situation. Brandy shows up, and before you know it Brandy and his brother are playing thumb-war, perfect. This is great, all four of us hanging out and more importantly, Brandy and I are both supposed to be out with two totally different dudes at this point. HA! I love it when a plan comes together. Long story short, everything happens for a reason and our crappy night turned out to be a blast.

Side note: this girl was in the ladies bathroom and she was talking to her friend and her friend just left and this girl was still talking. So I decided to go into the stall and pick up the convo where she left off and pretending to be this girl. It was hilarious, she had no idea, we went back and forth for a few minutes and I took off before she came out. (wait why was she in this stall for so long? hhhhmmm)

ok gotta get ready for a busy work week!

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