Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 31

Ok Bama guy is about to pick me up for a dinner date. This better go better than yesterday......wasn't thrilled when this guy was 1 hour late after I drove for a freakin hour and forty minutes. He was not exactly as I pictured, or actually he pictured. I think the pics on his profile were of his cousin, there was a slight resemblence, but not quite him. He sure as hell wasn't 6" 3". My cousin Brandi warned me about the height liars online. So I came up with a formula, subtract 3 inches from what they claim, and if they are still 2 inches taller than that number than you are good. So we were supposed to go bowling, and well we never got to the bowling protion of the evening, because after about 45 minutes, I told him I had to get home to watch Brandy's kids while she went to buy an new AC unit. Knowing very well that its Sunday night and all the stores are closed, oh and she doesn't need a new AC unit, but he bought it. And he didn't get the hint nor has stopped texting me, by the time I got home I had 4 texts. I didn't respond and then got one more this morning. Ok gotta got Bama is here...roll tide roll....wish me luck!

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