Sunday, February 19, 2012

day 173 booo Aldi's

Not happy with my Aldi's food selection, I guess the old saying rings true and you do in fact get what you pay for. The blueberry waffles sucked! The onions were mushy and don't get me started on the eggs. One of them was hollow and 2 of them cracked cause I looked at them funny. I thought eggs were eggs and it didn't matter where you bought them, well apparently there different classes of eggs, if that is the case, I got the eggs from the trailer trash chickens. I need some upper class eggs pronto. I am sure the canned peas will be quite lovely, but I am going back to being a loyal Kroger shopper.

"Operation hibernate until spring thaw" is still underway, therefore it was mega boring/lazy/nothing to report weekend. It was snowing this morning on the way to church and that was about the most exciting thing that happened. On that note, I am gonna go make some sleepy time tea and go to bed. My neighbors were having “Operation Party all night long” and kept me up with some soothing death metal blasting through the walls. Needless to say I am tired after my day of movie watching. I rented Ides of March, I had no idea what it was about, I just saw that Ryan "hubba hubba” Gosling and George "Sexiest man alive” Clooney were both starring in it and that was all I needed to know….turned out to be really good. And last night’s viewing of The Help was well received, although I didn’t cry like everyone told me I would. I think I cried more in the last scene of Sister Act when they were singing for the Pope and the little blond girl finally came out of her shell during her solo.

Ok nighty night

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